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Everything posted by N1K

  1. Wow that is odd behaviour. No idea how to fix that, but at least you know what it is now.
  2. I have seen it a few times where it randomly drives the trim. Given you said you're setting the climb mode on the ground, I am wondering if its driving the trim when it shouldn't? Could be worth a check
  3. Ditto, sometimes it just wants to skip to on. Sporadic occurrences of it.
  4. Think it uses the default XP command for that one, VVI up and down.
  5. The knob in the center pedestal next to the autopilot controls has two functions. Outer ring is heading, duplicate of the actual HDG knob up with the course ones. In the middle on top of it is the pitch wheel, has a ridged appearance to it. That controls the VS setting. Only because you mentioned target altitude, you can't be maintaining a level with that level in the APA. Great trick in the circuit to forget to reset the APA, attempt to descend by pushing the VS wheel over and watch absolutely nothing happen
  6. Re-animate every switch Sounds like more than 1.5.2 is coming
  7. Ha ha.. thanks and understood.. Extremely loud EDM with clashing bass lines it is for the next video
  8. Been working on some shorter sequences instead of the initial marathon. Introduction to vertical profiles and visual circuit.
  9. I actually thought the sounds where pretty good. Would be curious for that statement to be expanded on, are we talking that FMOD surround sound stuff for external shots or are you suggesting the cockpit noises are missing something?
  10. -- Removed -- Evidently Carenado have done a terrible job of product description. Turns out the 'Carenado' Saab for X-Plane is not a 'Carenado' aircraft, its made by a company called Thranda who'm I've never heard of and therefore my comment on Carenado's Saab would be incorrect to imply towards this mysterious X-Plane other Saab that Eddie is referring too. Didn't realise Carenado sell two completely different versions of the same plane.
  11. It's not abandoned, I think there's a few hints on the forum that the next update is pretty substantial, hence the time. --Retraction, refer post down a few -- Carenado is waaaaaaaay worse, all about eye candy with no substance in that stable. Wouldn't hold your breath for updates to that saab either
  12. I use the saab in FSE, can that app read the load that's been applied or only send a load?
  13. 1. Correct, but it's more to do with the rate of change by just hitting the off switch, rapid drop under the right conditions could cause a compressor stall (engine backfire). Theres also an element of error trapping, if its all the way down to 60% (I think that's lowest) you've clearly not set it. Removes the ambiguity of did I set that or is it where it was for takeoff, I can't remember.. Less of an issue on XP. 2. Yes, It is only shifting the problem up 1,000 ft. Crew still need to deal with it. The last rendition of the Saab it becomes a full on feather, but it has a completely different propellor unit to an A. 4. They are linked in XP for simplicity, If you are pushing down on the hydraulic tiller clickspot it's effectively using the tiller, but the rudders are the interface. Real aircraft if all you did was push down then use the rudder you'd end up in the dirt. Sorry, I probably could have worded the initial reply better. 5. Toe brakes, reverse is fairly effective unless its super short runway. 1200m / 4000 ft and greater reverse should be capable of doing the majority of the slowing work. It is capable of using toe brakes only from touchdown providing anti-skid is working, just causes more wear (which isn't simulated anyway). 6. I accept however FSE loads the thing, I don't think the CG actually shifts?
  14. Lets see how we go 1) Turning it off after takeoff, slowly rotate the setting knob anti-clockwise, then turn off the switch. 2) The auto-coarsen on the A model doesn't actually feather the propeller, just moves it to a minimum drag position. Theoretically if the condition that triggered the auto-coarsen event was to relieve itself, such as a momentary power interruption, the prop will go back to its set position. In order to feather it, the engine failure memory items need to be completed, i.e. power lever flight idle, condition lever fuel off. It's only designed to buy the crew time to deal with it at a safer height, a V1 cut where the prop stays at full fine (max rpm) is lethal if not dealt with immediately. 3) Yes, but safety departments would hunt you down. Always done with the control off a tug, but it is possible providing you don't touch the brakes, the inertia will cause a tail strike. 4) The tiller is connected to the nose wheel, the rudder pedals is connected to just the rudder. Below about 80 kts you won't have enough aerodynamic power from the rudder to turn. 5) You can use brakes, but typically not until reverse has brought the speed below 40kts. So much as breath on the brake pedal above 40 kts with anti-skid inoperative and saab suggests you will blow the main tyres. 6) Don't know, LES version doesn't have that info that I know of, never really looked for it. 7) Max on the ground, take-off and landing, 1230 RPM climb, cruise, descent. 8) Don't know where they are listed in LES stuff, but XP11 engine model was changed not long ago and v1.5.1 has the old XP engine data so half a chance you'll hit temperature limits anyway. Power circa 60-70% Trq / ITT below 850 on the climb/cruise seems to work, Descent, whatever is required to stop the overspeed buzzer annoying the crap out of you....
  15. N1K


    both hpa and in are on the FO side altimeter if you need a quick conversion.
  16. Is the nose wheel steering engaged?
  17. How did you not get sucked into that prop
  18. N1K

    Error code

    Ok thanks. Was fine for ages then all of a sudden Appears I can make it happy by disabling the plugin, reload the saab then re enable the RXP. That'll do for now..
  19. N1K

    Error code

    Hi, I appreciate that this is a result of trying to use something other than the default XP GPS and I might not get an answer. Is any insight available on how to solve this error code? RXP GTN750 driving the GPS data, as soon as I touch the CRS bar in an attempt to align it with the DTK it freaks out. Only way to recover the scroll wheel manipulator is to reboot It appears the saab and the RXP gps very much have a love hate relationship..
  20. It would be possible, but being a crowded ramp with lots of people and things to hit, most likely not appreciated by safety departments. You can try better pushback, It definitely requires the nose wheel steering tiller to be pushed down to stop it completely freaking out, but even then it seems to like pushing you into odd placed.
  21. Just tried better pushback on the saab... Is the tug driver drunk
  22. Correct, but I don’t think vatsim controllers pay much attention to those codes. Would be via a tow bar. Start an engine and reset the gen, disconnect the gpu, pushback into position, then start the other. Just don’t use better pushback, it does not like the saab for some reason...
  23. 1 - There is a key binding for the gust lock release latch that needs to be set. LES/CMD/gust_lock_release Using that you can release the latch and then click and drag the gust lock on or off.
  24. Hi, Was watching some of Q8Pilot's video's on youtube, one of which featured the mighty Saab.. Gave me a bit of inspiration so gave tutorial video making a go. Have to admit, it's nothing flash, just a one clip take of start, takeoff and an ILS for beginners. Any comments or suggestions for other videos appreciated. Think I may have waffled on a bit, hope my voice isn't too annoying
  25. Keep in mind the ctot is only capable of upscaling fuel flow to whatever is set. If your power lever position is commanding 71% or more torque, you’ll get whatever you’re asking for. Its not an auto throttle or limiter in any form.
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