Hey Giaco! Thank you for your kind words!
1. In order to lock the stick, first pull the control lock lever fully, then center your flight controls, and push the stick fully forward. While still holding this position, finally push the control lock lever forward, and the stick should remain centered. There is an issue on extremely sensitive hardware flight controls which will glitch out the system visually, making it stutter constantly, but the flight controls will still remain locked, it's just a visual anomaly that may happen on some setups.
2. Yes, that is correct! The parking brake will pull the strings for both brakes, but won't interact with the rudder pedals at all. This happens in real life!
3. Well, that one is simple: There is no "Both on"! Your fuel selector goes like this: BOTH OFF, LEFT, RIGHT, and BOTH OFF again! That's why your engine has quit, and that is also why you can't draw fuel with the wobble pump while the selector is there
4. answered above
5. Pilots will always be hidden if the view is internal. I did this because there is a lot of walking around the aircraft, so it felt a little odd "seeing yourself" while you are actually outside.
6. I didn't know VR had an external view mode. When you say "external", do you mean the default VR view, but venturing outside the aircraft? I will look into this, which wasn't present during our beta tests at all.
I hope this was helpful!