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Everything posted by signmanbob

  1. There wrapping it with fancy glittery Christmas wrap....that takes time.
  2. Scenery like this makes it possible to sit at home in comfort, and still travel. I love it.
  3. This scenery looks like Orbx for X-Plane. I am very impressed. Stuff like this kills my retirement savings, I hope you realize that. Will these sceneries have people moving around like Orbx?
  4. Thanks. It works perfectly in both P3Dv4 and X-Plane 11 other than this little problem, but I believe now that I know what is happening, I can work around it. Having this and Saitek radio panels make it so much easier flying on Pilotedge without having to fumble around in the VC.
  5. Thank could very well be, Jan. The interface that connects with X-Plane 11 that I'm using is a Beta. This is what it is: http://www.virtualavionics.com.br/modules/
  6. Hello Jan, I am using a Virtual Aviation MCP. I'll try to see if that if having anything to do with it. I'll try to make a video of it. I have never done that before. Thank you, Bob
  7. I have another very small problem. That's manageable but aggravating. Sometimes, if I shut off VNAV and descend using vertical speed and try to change my forward speed on the MCP, say manually reduce speed just a little down to 250kts to stay within the restriction, the speed bug will just take off on its own and maybe go all the way down to 115kts., then when I try to manually bring it up to 250kts on the MCP, it will just take off and go to over 300kts. If I disconnect autothrottle, it still acts the same way,(but I can override it and manually control the speed of the aircraft with the throttles) then reconnect the autothrottle and VNAV, it will shoot up to the correct forward speed. Then when I disconnect VNAV, it may work right and I will slowly reduce my speed on the MCP manually. That's what happened last night. What is happening? Why should the forward speed change on its own at all when VNAV is disconnected and even when autothrottle is disconnected? Is there a setting that I may have wrong? Thank you, Bob
  8. That CWS Deadband setting is exactly what the problem was. I'm not using a joystick, I'm using a $1400 Precision Flight Control Cirrus/Boeing yoke with Hall Censors, so it shouldn't be very spikey, but my Deadband was set to "0" by default, and that just didn't cut it. Opening up the CWS Deadband to about "20" did the trick. Thank you, Bob
  9. Hello Matthias, I believe you hit the nail on the head again (: I had a message at the top that said "Flaps Overspeed", so I probably didn't retract the flaps fast enough when I was climbing out of the airport. IXEG 737 must actually simulate the reaction of having broken flaps. (ouch, that's embarrassing). I'm going to try it again tonight and see if that's the problem. I appreciate your help very much. Thank you, Bob
  10. That's exactly what it was Matthias. It is holding LNAV and HDG SEL now. Thank you so much. Maybe you can help me with another little problem. My overspeed bricks are bouncing up and down when I am on autopilot. I notice that the N1 light flickers while it climbing also. Once I'm level, the N1 light will stop flickering, but the bricks keep bouncing up and down. It doesn't effect anything, but it is annoying. The annonciator flickers from MCP SPD to FMS SPD also when it is doing it. Do you have any idea what might be causing that?
  11. Hello, I'm having a big problem with the autopilot. I will takeoff and will be flying in LNAV or HDG SEL for a while, and the auto pilot will go to CWS. If I push LNAV again it will just keep turning off as will HDG SEL. I can't get any auto pilot functions to work after a while, not even VOR/LOC or APP. I have uninstalled the 733 and re-installed it, but I'm still having the same results. It looks to me like the yoke is moving too much when I'm on LNAV and it must be kicking it to CWS. I just screwed up a landing after a two hour flight on Pilotedge. I'm not a happy camper. Please help. I am using FSGRW. Could that be having a bad effect on the autopilot? Thank you, Bob
  12. Please, how can I get this latest interface software? When I try to download from the VA website, I'm only getting version VAInterface_2.20.3.11642.msi with no vertical speed wheel support for the IXEG 737.
  13. Hello mmerelles, I'll let Peter know what you said. I think he may have just wanted to talk to you about it. Thank you for responding. Bob
  14. Hello, Is making the IXEG 737 work with Flightdeck Solutions' CDU Pro something that you might be interested in? No one from IXEG has responded to this thread and I don't know if that should be interpreted as a "Not interested". There are a lot of people that use this CDU, since it is the best one out there, and I don't think there would be a lot involved in making them work together. Thank you, Bob
  15. ...and for this very reason, I will not be installing XP11 until the IXEG 737 is fully ready to look and fly great in it.
  16. Really great video. Thank you for sharing. I love the Classic. It is just the right combination of old and new.
  17. I'm really excited about this. I hope it is something that can be done without a lot of trouble. Thank you, Bob
  18. Hello, Peter Cos, president of Flightdeck Solutions, told me that he loves your 737 for X-Plane, and that he would really like to get together with you about making the FDS CDU Pro work with your 737 Classic. "X-Plane... love that new 737 package but I have not connected with them on using our hardware. If you wanted to email them we could perhaps connect at some point and show them what is involved in creating compatibility. Requires both sides to do some work. Not much, but some." Peter Please contact him at pcos@flightdecksolutions.com I have this CDU and would love to be able to use it with the IXEG 737 Classic. FDS CDU Pro This is an extremely well made CDU unit and it would sure be a great addition to your aircraft. If we can manage to get the MCP PRO and EFIS working with your 737, I'll buy them also. Thank you, Bob
  19. I would love to see an INOP label on the logo lights. That would be so cool. Bob
  20. Wow! How about that! Now I don't feel bad about not having them. I just didn't know that. That's for sure, don't put them on if they aren't there in real life. Guys, this is an absolutely gorgeous aircraft. I love it and have been flying it a lot on Pilotedge. You all did a great job with it. Thank you. Bob
  21. Hello, I'm not a cockpit builder, but I bought a few components, one of them being the Flightdeck Solutions 737 CDU for my PMDG NGX, but now I'm flying this IXEG 737 so much that I was wondering if there is a way to use my FDS CDU unit with this 737? http://www.flightdecksolutions.com/components/b737ng/b737ng-mipmain/fds-b737ng-pro-mx-cdu-color-vga/ Thank you, Bob
  22. I was wondering if I'm the only one that doesn't have logo lights on the tail of the aircraft, or is this something that is being worked on? Thank you, Bob
  23. The list is very small and certainly no problem for me, except for scrollwheel support. I really would love to have this for this Classic. Please, please move it up on the priority list. Thank you, Bob
  24. Hello, I want to thank you for the email follow up after I purchased the 737 Classic. It was a very pleasant surprise and it shows me that this Classic will get outstanding developer support. The price that you chose for the 737 Classic is very reasonable and I had expected it to be closer to or over $90USD. I expect everyone who flies airliners in X-Plane will own this beauty and support your work. Unfortunately I just replaced my harddrive with a very large SSD and I am in the process of reinstalling X-Plane10. As impatient as I am to try the new 737 Classic, I've forgotten how long it takes to install X-Plane. But once I get everything installed, I am really looking forward to taking it for a spin. The 737 has been my favorite aircraft for years, whether it is the 200, Classic or NG. I have read a lot on them and am fairly well versed on its operation, so I'll just be jumping in and going pretty quick. I have had Cpt. Mike Ray's book on the 737 Classic for several years and highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn to fly this aircraft like it is supposed to be flown. It is easy and entertaining reading, but full of great complete knowledge in the Classics operation. I see you are also offering it along with the simulation. That is a great idea.
  25. Hey, without us dumb people you would have no way of measuring all your smartness
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