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Everything posted by birdy.dma

  1. Thank you for your fast reply. Starting cold and dark, then autostart. LES/saab/emg_lights_toggle = 0 , switch is back. OK. Then, i move my little hand up. LES/saab/emg_lights_toggle = 2 and the switch is always back. It works properly sometimes, sometimes not. Don't spend too much time with tis one. I can live as it is, and i am may be alone with this one.
  2. There is an old small bug with this switch. I can't switch it in the middle position, without opening the guard, switching it to the ON position, and revert back to the armed position.
  3. Set a nice weather, 12 o clock, and generate your liveries. (don't generate at night).
  4. About BetterPushBack, since releases of last summer: Choose a gate somewhere in France. I will drive the tug for you, so you will hear my English with french accent.
  5. You can. This is the last one! https://sky4crew.com/download/737-classic-1-2-betterpushback/ Of course, use BP 0.46.
  6. Good day Ben, This one works well (as the previous Gizmo did).
  7. For sure, it is. I can confirm.
  8. Sorry Cris, i miss the correct arrival. Anyway, i have no problem with Hyper 7.
  9. Hi Christiano, Some pictures (Navigraph). Could be Aerosoft Navdata? Claudio.
  10. Finally, a quiet week end (i hope for you).
  11. Here are my logs (with the above gizmo). IXEG (OK), then the default Cessna, IXEG again. No success. Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
  12. FSGRW works very well with skymaxx. Don't know about xenviro.
  13. Did the Ivao event from EBBR to LFBO with a friend (smartcopilot). Great event indeed. A perfect flight.
  14. Hello, The file must be in the root of the plane. You have to rename it as: smartcopilot.cfg. PS: only tested with X Plane 10 and the passenger variant.
  15. Waiting for the 1.21 release, you can buy and enjoy the 1.20 with your X Plane 11.11.
  16. Thank you Sir, Hope my MCP is as reliable as your.
  17. Not sure, the plane continue flying at the MCP speed.
  18. What is use of this one? Just a reminder, or anything else?
  19. There is a real interest for a shared cockpit, more than expected at least by me. Almost 1000 downloads for the last release including BP! Claude.
  20. I just notice that the Alternate Flaps switch is spring loaded for the down position, not for the up one Is it normal, or a bug?
  21. Here are the logs of my XP 11. My IXEG is activated. PS; i can't join my files here. They are in this thread:
  22. Today (and for 2/3 next days) i am (will be) near my third computer only. I have saved the last working Gizmo.log (08-29), and the new broken one of today. I also join the last log.txt of X Plane. This is for my Xp 10 install. I also have a Xp 11 on this one with the Ixeg only. Logs.zip
  23. New attempt: Activate my license of my other install of X Plane (on my Cockpit-1 computer, no hardware change) Now my main computer is locked!
  24. Hello A different name of the machine does not solve the problem. Have you an other idea ?
  25. Thank you for your fast reply, On this install, i only have the IXEG. As usual, launching the .exe uninstall, then reinstall the plane. The problem remain: machine id locked. What will happen if i choose a new name for my machine (in this case, the name will be different of the name of my Windows machine)?
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