Nav to Nav transfer
Toto on his Discord channel:
Then it will auto-transfer to green needles provided a bunch of conditions are met:
both sides are on FMS
both NAV radios have auto-tuned to the localizer
localizer is being received
APPR is active and LOC mode is armed
localizer needle is about to center
DCP1 / config for thr the baro setting.
Create the state of the plane (Fuel, doors etc...) and save this state named C and D (Or something else), next time, load this state to start your flight.
As usual, join your log.txt. @Pils will certaily catch the culprit. A lot of fixes will come with the 1.8 release.
About LittleNavMap, no idea, but there is probably a way to save the flight plan in the .fms format.