Ah - not what you said when you banned me from the shoutbox Joe! (Don't worry - no hard feelings here. Was full of impotent internet-rage at the time however! I was spittin' chips - sending PM's to Nicolas telling him to erase everything I'd ever uploaded to the .org and exactly what he should stuff up his shoutbox. I must have been quite interesting to watch, from a purely anthropological point of view, hunched over the keyboard in my darkened flat, bare chested and howling obscenities at the moon like some kind of drunken, scottish werewolf, cutting my skin with broken glass and chipping my teeth on my laptop. He sent me a very nice message telling me would I please calm down, and that I'd been unbanned, and that would I please stop swearing at him now, thank you very much. And then I realised that I was being "kind of a dick" really, and went and played with my boy instead. It's funny what the internet will do to a man. I'm actually really sweet in real life tm.)