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Everything posted by wain

  1. had this in 10 but wasn't overly impressed, was there an upgrade for XP11? Has it improved visiually?
  2. i missed that regarding brakes, so if I land and touch manual brakes the autos wont work? is this correct?
  3. better pushback seems ok to me, I use it all the time for all my Airliners, mostly the 737 of late....I did have a CTD but couldn't track it down, trouble is we can have lots of plugins and it's really hard to narrow down want doesn't play well together.....it can even be something that is not to do with the 737, traffic or some other plugin...
  4. never had an iphone, the kids have but not me, Apples belong in the fruitbowl...was always Samsung but just before Christmas last year I got a sony, think it's really good, real easy to use, regular updates and great for music to....
  5. glad I came across this, I had a few issues with VNAV but just resulted to manual hand flying the final bit of the approach/landing....it seems to come down initially for me then on capture of the ILS it's not descending anymore. I appreiate this may be a different issue and in all honesty may just be me, I have always been Airbus but since we have this now in XP11 I just can't leave it alone, it's my got to Airliner.....just love it......
  6. not so good weather there, had a weird one yesterday, at the gate in Germany, rain on the cockpit window, outside view was cloudy but no rain....
  7. just noticed this, I have used this plugin a few times, all is good up to now, some have said they seem to get forgot about near the end of the flight but I have not had this issue....far better in my opinion than the default ATC........
  8. A couple from last nights trip....
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  9. not getting your taxi issues, I did have a fps issue but have since found something unrelated running in the background, shut that down and all ok now, I assune you have also looked outside the sim?....also whats your vram like? on the limit?
  10. nice, I am seeing better FPS with this version.......looking really good......
  11. wain

    into EDDT

    Darkness closing in approaching EDDT.....
  12. Latest flight, currently flying EGCC to EDDT, SMP4.6, RWC, IXEG737.......
  13. some great shots there, like the FPS I am getting to......
  14. thanks Ben that worked a treat......
  15. Hi all, I want to remove my plugins, I think I have to much going on so feel the need to slim back, one or two are proper installations as opposed to just a drop into the folder, whats the best way to remove them temporarily?.....or am I best just to uninstall then if I want them back reinstall tem ....Thanks Wayne
  16. Thanks Jan, yeah your right I totally forgot that and it's so obvious.....
  17. nice one, wish I had time for long flights like that......
  18. I am seeing a random CTD, it happens when I open the popup to set the fuel, I set the required amount and then click apply, if I get the cursor as a blue spinner it will crash, if I get nothing it loads and the AC is all ok... I have tried recreating this and it's very random and not always....I thought it may have been XLIFE but with that disabled it still may happen..... Just putting it out here just in case anyone else has had it, if not then I would imagine it is a conflict and I will just have to try and work it out...not really an issue as it's random and not often..... Wayne
  19. just a couple whilst preparing for short UK flights, I really love using this one....my go to airline currently........
  20. ok thanks, I will give it a try....
  21. Got a GTX 1070 coming tomorrow, 8gig version, recently I uninstalled SMP4 as fps was down to single figures, tried adjusting the setinngs but wasn't really helping. Removing SMP4 removed the problem, in the plugin app it was showing that I only had approx 300-400mb of vram left, current card only has 4gig of vram, do you think I will be getting a better fps using SMP4 with the new card, it will be linked to an i5 6600k @4,2 and 16gig RAM.... Also is this classed as an upgrade that will cause me any issues with my products SMP/RWC/MAXX FX/IXEG? Should I reinstall SMP/RWC before changing the card or after? I really want to get back to using SMP as the clouds and sky colouring to me is better than Xenviro......
  22. lovely, can't wait......looks really good.....
  23. I thought that was probably the case, that's cool though I can live with that.........
  24. my 737 looks very dull, is this by design? is it because I am in XP11? is it a setting I need to change? it's with origianl and added liveries....example below... thanks Wayne
  25. couple of shots of my last flight, CT206H from EGPF - EGGP....
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