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Everything posted by kutyafal

  1. Don't know if it's the right place to ask but is there a discount on the Entegra for current G1000 owners?
  2. I read about the SVS being disabled but didn't see anything about this being included. Oh well, bought it at the worse time I guess...
  3. I've recently purchased the G1000 pack and noticed that I don't have the VSD option (map>profile, image below for reference) on the MFD. Mostly flying the SR22TN and it's not there. Neither are the green flight path boxes on the PFD. What am I missing?
  4. Relating to this topic, I was wondering if there are any plans to add some cabin environmental situation monitor like cabin temp, pax satisfaction or the like. You know, having to monitor and adjust the ECS controls and see cabin temperature. Also, based on flight dinamics pax cheer or scream Would add to the challenge. Next could be some economics for repairs, trips, aka. REP-like. Would be interesting.
  5. Thinking of buying the Entegra for something different since I have other G1000 planes. In early review videos it was pointed out that departure or arrival procedures are not displayed on the map. Is this still the case with either the RPX GTN 750 or the default GSN530? Also, how long is the Black Friday sale going to go on?
  6. Quick question: how do I move the "Run-Crank-Stop" switches to the stop position? They stop at the crank pos for me and I can't move them further back. I know there is a trick but it's been a long time since I flown this bird... Sorry, ignore this. I found the hotspot behind the switches. I'm getting old...
  7. OK, thanks. Also, how do I enable the RealityXP GTN750?
  8. Hello, just trying this now. Noticed that there is no way to load pax only fuel. Is this correct for the time being? Will there be some load manager in the future? Also, I forgot, how do I enable the RealityXP GTN750 in it?
  9. Any idea why attitude indicator is like this?
  10. Just a couple of things after a short test flight. It seems the roll trim indicator has lost it's light in the conversion. Loving the map light though! Second: I've set the roll trim almost one click to the left like I used to on XP11. However on rotating the plane almost rolled to the left into the ground. Like it didn't need any trim at all for take off. Weather was 4kts headwind. Similarly in cruise there is no change. So there not seem to be any torque effect from the props. This was one of the fun parts in the XP11 version to pay constant attention to the trim in all phases of the flight. I miss it...
  11. Sorry, but I still can't find the command to press the AP button on the master AP panel behind the quadrant. I'm looking for the command that's equivalent (not "servos on") to pressing that button that turns on both the AP master and YD at the same time. I checked the online reference here but nothing: https://www.togasim.com/mu2docs/setup/mu2_commands.html. Can you tell me what this command would be? Is it even implemented? Thanks!
  12. Wow! Kudos for being on top of things! I love this plane! Now, just one little tidbit regarding the installer. Maybe a notification about saving the prefs file before the install proceeds (like in the Challenger installer) would be prudent to give users a reminder and a chance to save their view setups before it gets overwritten?
  13. OK, disabling the Avitab plugin as mentioned above fixed it. One last thing, any way to fix the Map Light rheostat so it actually controls the intensity of the light? The Moo is so lovely at nigh but this would top the cake to be able to dial in a hint of ambient light. Also, now I can't seem to find the Moo specific group in control assignments to configure joystick buttons. Has this been changed? What is it now? I'm trying to assign the "AP" button on the console that turns on AP and YD altogether but can't find the relevant dataref group...
  14. Just installed this latest version in XP11 and the GTN750 is not powering up for me. All power is on, the bezel is on and if I pop up the GTN window it says "rebooting" and it's stuck there. The GTN750 is working fine in other aircraft. Any suggestions?
  15. It seems to have several functions but I can't find a detailed description of what all those are. Also, similarly a description of the de-fuel procedure and proper usage of the interior fuel panel would be helpful. Any information on this? Thanks!
  16. Forgive my ignorance but what is the "HLIS" button and where is it?
  17. Ah, never mind. Just found out that you have to be on the way for the offset option to show up. I suppose +2, -2 or something like it would be an entry?
  18. I must be blind but I just can't find it. Forgive me asking again but where exactly is track offset and how do you specify it?
  19. The FMS primer doc is a good start but I'd like to learn all the functions. Thanks!
  20. I also noticed that the Map light dimmer rotary has no effect on brightness. I suppose the Flood light level is fixed but map light should be adjustable. Or am I missing something? I know this update has been out already but didn't see the point to separate this since it's related to topic.
  21. When I press the mode button on the clock the local time is always the same as UTC. Is it not implemented?
  22. Super! One more quick question. What is this on the ND? From the pop-up when I hold down right mouse button and drag I can make what seems a measurement line for bearing/distance. Is it just for that or is it used for some other purpose also?
  23. In Non-Persistant mode, is there a way to simply change the avionics units from lbs to kg?
  24. Thanks, the remap W tip helped with that issue. Also, is there a track offset function in the FMS?
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