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Everything posted by lineman55

  1. Nice shots! I also base out of KLGA for short hops to KBOS and KPVD flying the IXEG 737. Favorite bird! When you pull on reverse thrust..am I seeing your engine covers seperate? Mine dont..hmmm
  2. I had went for Skymaxx4 last week and they really had some great clouds..but the distance out just plain didnt cut it.So after some deep researching on XENVIRO I bit the bullet and all I can say is WOW! Very impressed with the clouds and the coverage.The only FPS issue lasts for about 3-6 sec when the weather updates..and I have it set for 15min.Other then that it replicates exactly what is happening at KHVN.my hometown airport.Here are a couple of pics of whats happening now there..expecting snow by tomorrow afternoon.
  3. May I suggest this for backlighting your main panel..amazing stuff..you can cut it with scissors...http://www.ebay.com/bhp/el-sheet
  4. I have the same issue..no Menu bar..using the IXEG...switch to a default aircraft and it comes back..using Skymaxx4 only plugin.Invoke the map view and I get the menu..close it and no more menu
  5. Thankyou! I was going nuts trying to get the TOGA to show..I after so many trial and errors..I didnt know what else to do.. one time they worked...and then they didnt. I have watched everyone of the videos made with this aircraft model and try to follow along..but sometimes certain procedures are mentioned so quickly I miss them all together.. and something as simple as that...yep..missed it..thank you again for responding.Now..off to a TOGA party!
  6. Im just an advid 737 sim pilot and really love this aircraft.Amazing work you certainly have put into it..but my question is .. to get the TOGA to display on the FMS on roll out ..I even tried just the HEADING sel and got it to display on both at different times and now I cant it to display.Just N1 lights up. I was wondering if certain parameters being set in the FMC determines if this will go active or not when I push the TOGA after N1 spools to above 40%..? is there something im not checking off or a specific temp setting that I am ignoring that can cause this? climb rate? .. on another note when In flight and I decide to change spd/alt on a specific leg the VNAV does no longer react...I end up using level change and V/S and dial down my speed to achieve requested alt /speed.Is this normal for the VNAV to ignore? other then that If I don't change anything the VNAV works completely. Thanks for such an amazing aircraft!
  7. love that second shot with the front coming in..
  8. I was just reading up on this..dosent mention whether it will work with our IXEG bird. Not to sure about it..yet.Love the idea..IPAD sitting here..used for drone flights only..
  9. Finally got my wing view...pretty cool considering you can still move about in this view.
  10. Thanks for the tip on getting my wing view! finally...here is a shot of it...sacrificed my observer view...heh
  11. Im interested in porting the FMC to my IPAD...some direction on this would be great!
  12. nobody? is it possible to just test it parked A/t ON - FD ON and advance the throttles till 40% is settled and hit the TOGA button to see if it shows? following with throttles moving forward?
  13. My problem with my TO/GA is back again with xplane11. I have it assigned to Autopilot takeoff-go-around.It wont show as TO/GA when I activate it after 40%NI. All that highlights is N1...rebooted Gizmo and still nothing.It has worked a few times and then just stops.I have been sitting parked ,no FMC flight plan, FD on, AT tuned on,,,and just testing it parked.No luck. I disabled Skymaxx 4 plugin//and dont have anything else installed.The default 737 does the same thing.Could be XPLANE BETA ..not sure.Anything else I could try?
  14. Perfect.. Thanks so much! I really love this aircraft...
  15. Yes..they call that a soft crash? I try to read it to understand what it is saying..jibberish to me..so I close it and kept on flying.I believe this was the start of my TOGO no longer showing..just the N1 would highlight and my takeoffs were not smooth and under control of the MCP correctly.I was beating myself up trying to figure this out for 2 days with the same flight plan.
  16. in the beginning it used to show it..then just stopped..so I changed my FLIGHT PLAN and it now works correctly??..im not sure what it was..but I changed back to a default 737 in xplane and went back it it works perfectly now.. is there a way to reboot this aircraft after a few crash reports ?? mabe that was it
  17. I have the TQ6 737 throttle and assigned the button for TO GO POWER in xplane 11 and when my N1 reached 40% and my throttles have been pushed past 50% the TOGA does not show..it says armed when idle..and once I hit the TOGA my N1 lights on the screen (FMC) ? I activate the A/T prior to all this once aligned on the runway am I missing something here?
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