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Everything posted by dr_anthony

  1. Great! Thanks.
  2. If i set on ADI DN REF different alt (for example 200 ft and 300 ft) the GPWS minimums callout heard twice. That should do PF and PNF on this situation? PNF should set his DH REF similar with PF DH, or maybe should set it to -20? Thanks.
  3. Hi, Jan. Yes, this is correct and i did not realize so many variations of 737 CL in different airlines. I guided only by official boeing FCOM 1998 of year. Then i look your first video i think - WTF, why in this plane switches are up to on and down to off, WTF is this. This thing are bring in that plane individuality and do it so atmospheric. Cool!
  4. Inspected today air bleed system . At ISA on ground - N1 - 21,7 N2 - 60,8 EGT - 500 FF - 0,46 At 55 C on ground - N1 - 21,6 N2 - 60,7 EGT - 508 FF - 0,40 At -55 C on ground - N1 - 21,8 N2 - 60,9 EGT - 488 FF - 0,49 Check in UNEE (850 ft ASL) To compare with FCOM: Approximate standard day, sea level, stabilized idle indications (new engine). N1 RPM N2 RPM EGT Fuel Flow CFM 56-3 21.5% 60.3% 475°C 720 PPH Taxi speed on idle on different temp are changes rapidly (slow at high OAT and near TO trust on low). Excellent! High idle looks very constantly. In descent in ISA with no winds from FL 370 to 2500 it increases from 31,2 N 1 to 33,2 (N2 EGT and FF also increases). Anti-ice. FCOM: Wing Anti-Ice System Operation. Placing the WING ANTI-ICE switch ON when on the ground, opens both control valves if thrust on both engines is below the setting for takeoff warning activation and the temperature inside both wing distribution ducts is less than the thermal switch activation temperature. Both valves close if either engine thrust is above the takeoff warning setting or either temperature sensor senses a duct overtemperature. The valves automatically open if thrust on both engines is reduced and both temperature sensors are cool. With the air / ground sensor in the ground mode and the WING ANTI-ICE switch ON, the switch remains in the ON position regardless of control valve position. The WING ANTI-ICE switch automatically trips OFF at lift-off when the air / ground sensor goes to the air mode. On IXEG 737 wing AI valves don't closes in case of engine thrust is above the takeoff warning setting. Light on ground always illuminate bright - valve closed (not modeled yet?). And on IXEG 737 wing AI switch don't automatically trips OFF at lift-off when the air / ground sensor goes to the air mode, light illuminates dim - valves open only in air (not modeled yet?). Also noticed, that EAI or WAI on or off have no effect to the high idle value. I can assume that it only feature of NG's with its systems of approach high idle. Noticed that Dual bleed light don't illuminate with APU shutdown - very cool!, becouse APU bleed air valve closes automatical on its shutdown regardless of switch position. Noticed also, that ram door full open light illuminate only with flaps down. But accordingly with FCOM it also may illuminate on slow speeds of the plane, isn't it? Whew! Lets go to fly else and else on that wonderful bird.
  5. Try once again ndb approach (ils are also installed on RWY), try to set DIR to the first NDB, and... OMG it resets. Try again later in RWY's without ILS My previous flights was in ENKR and ENEV VOR offset approach and madeira, visual both on 23 and 5 RWY.
  6. Several months ago such of discussion was at avsim.su, and there was real PIC who tried to set offset LOC course on real aircraft, in this situation airplane flown on LOC path, with selected course, but with crab angle, like with crosswind.
  7. Find on aviation forums: " Breaking out of cloud near 2 airfields with similar runways, Hdg-up will immediately tell you which is the wrong one-Track-up could actually confuse you as the Runway nomination may not match the way the compass says you are Heading.". It two religion with adepts of TRK and HDG )))
  8. I don't have problems with this at ILS approaches at all. But at VOR or NDB approaches it doesn't work, even if i use dir to the RWY wpt.
  9. Find myself, in license agreement: "Not to install the product on more than three (3) personal computers per unit purchased without the expressed written consent from the developer and/or distributor.". I think, i could install it on 2 PC's )))
  10. FMS reset in 1.0.7 look to work only on ILS approaches, IMHO. In visual, VOR or NDB approaches it doesn't work. I don't know, how it coded in IXEG 737, can only assume that it logic on ils establish, approach fase of FMC, ARCFT on ground and speed decreases. May be better coded it in that logic: approach fase of FMC (init ref page avaible, in case that it not reset on RTO), ARCFT on ground and speed decreases from 100 to 60 knots? And after 60 knots it resets.
  11. Can i install IXEG 737 on my different PC, lives in two places, want to use it everwere, worry about my license. X-aviation don't reply to me. Help please in that issue. Thanks.

    1. tkyler


      You should be able to.  When contacting X-Aviation, do you use the support system on the X-Aviation website?  


    2. dr_anthony


      Yes. Thanks. I read license agreement and understood that i be able to.


  12. Can i install IXEG 737 on my different PC, lives in two places, want to use it everywere, worry about my license becouse activation module requests machine's ID. X-aviation don't reply to me. Thanks.
  13. You may notice that APU EGT rises then you connect electric consumers on busses. Bleed air consume on eng start get the hard work to APU, and EGT rises rapidly, in hot days it may be nessesary to off some elec consumers prior to eng start.
  14. Wish you guys to continue to create, and not allow the commercial side to spoil the whole thing
  15. Its similiar to landing tu-154m in izma airport 07/09/2010. Plane has huge electrical failrues, loss all of elec power on 10600 meters, flown trough overcast clouds by stby pneu instr, has limited amount of fuel due to fuel pumps inoperative, and land with clean wings on deserted air strip in the forest, 1325 m length, without victims. This was avesome. http://www.pprune.org/rumours-news/426642-tu-154-emergency-landing-izhma-komi.html
  16. Why QRH in this situation has no actions, like a "land in nearest suitable airport", not in 737CL, nor in 737NG with bat discharge light in it? For example in bat charge bus fail. After all only 30 min time left before aircraft lost all of it power? I'm not understanding this thing. It contrary to the all philosophy of aviation safety and double, or triple reserving of all systems.
  17. Fantastic! Great work at all.
  18. Yes, that correct. FCOM 2.20.1: "Engine bleed air is obtained from the 5th and 9th stages of the compressor section. When 5th stage low pressure bleed air is insufficient for the bleed air system requirements, the high stage valve modulates open to maintain adequate bleed air pressure. During takeoff, climb, and most cruise conditions, low pressure bleed air from the 5th stage is adequate and the high stage valve remains closed.". PSI indicator in this time should decrease value, and increase it, then high stage valve modulates open. Is it in IXEG 737?
  19. Hmm... In sim i was in FL360 near TS clouds, in night, and mountains below me, and at this moment ARCFT suddenly lost of all elec power. Approach to nearby field (120 nm) was very impressive for me ))))))
  20. Are the psi indicator decreases then air system modulates from 5th to 9th stage? Sorry, not at the PC now and couldn't check it myself.
  21. Thanks for reply! I'm not an expert of 737CL, but it look very unsafe, if you lost ALL aircraft power in case of only bat drain or fault in connections, in FLIGHT. If "the relais holding the connection to the generators are held close by battery bus current", does not the battery bus powered by battery charger through the ground service bus or by TR 3? "Once the battery is drained, you can not connect any power to the aircraft, anymore (not even GPU)", except of use external dc receptacle )). FCOM: "In the event that the aircraft battery is depleted, the APU can be started using DC external power". Why to start apu without battery, if when you remove DC external power, all relais are disconnects? Sorry for my English. Thanks for reply anyway.
  22. FCOM 6.20.12. And 6.20.9: "The busses powered from the battery following a loss of both generators are: · Battery bus · DC standby bus · Hot battery bus · Switched hot battery bus · AC standby bus, from the battery bus, through an inverter." If i toggle battery OFF i lost all power from aircraft, it becomes CLD&DRK. Why? Lost of battery power cause impossibility of use STBY power in alternate ops, when STBY power not energizes from ENG gen or APU, and OFF bat switched bus. Maybe i mistakes? OFF the battery causes disconnect the transfer relay from busses? Thanks. Sorry for my english. ))
  23. If battery drain in flight, or on ground it cause of lost ALL power from aircraft, even if it was powered by ENG generators, or APU. I mean, in this cause should be lost just only STBY power.
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