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Everything posted by Seamaster

  1. And this after paying 106 euros !!!!
  2. I have this problem!!!!! I
  3. Impossible to update to the latest vesion because it gives problem with a gizmo zip file, please send me instructions to resolve. Thanks
  4. Morning, With the last actualization 1.4.1 I have problem impossible to install, say problem with gizmo zip !!!! Please send me instruction to resolve. Thanks
  5. tkyler hello, I know GCRR/03 it is not a waypoint, only to indicated Airport and rwy used for that fly also airport arrived GCXO rwy 30. That route was indicated if Litjan made the same fly to try the check. This afternoon I tried the same fly but in Vulkan and Gizmo beta and the final was the same, impossible to put CANDE on TFN. I don't know what is the problem. NB. That route is used in commercial fly in Canary Island from Lanzarote to Tenerife North. Log.txt
  6. Yes, I have the idem problem !!!!
  7. Tks Litjan, Also a friend with the same route had the problems exactly to me. The route was GCRR/03 LARY1M LARYS LARY1L GCXO 30 VIA : CANDE and FLY 250 I attached my log. Log.txt
  8. Good afternoon, I try to put a new Fix in FMC and crashed it !!!! v 1.31 with gizmo beta also stable. Regards
  9. Morning, VNAV no working, the jet reach TOD and no going down accorded ALT indicated !!!!! X-Plane 11 v11.41 GIZMO stable. Thank you
  10. Thank you. I think the problem was that Web out due new version!!!!
  11. Hello everyone, I have problem with a new installation on Xplane 11 11.50 Vulkan, it's impossible to made flash one advise say "unable to download component X-Plane 11 737-300 : File not found" I don't know what is the problem. Thank you
  12. Good evening, I have problem with a new installation on Xplane 11.50 is impossible to install, after to put the pass, accept regulation, etc, I indicated the route but when are installed flash a advise Impossible discharge files!!!! I don't know what is the problem Thank you
  13. Thank you, everything now is ok!
  14. Today I made a new installation in Xplane 11 Vulkan 11.50b4 after installation is impossible start with crash bar, all time coming down!!! Thank you
  15. Thank you boredtechie, Tomorrow I will check. Regards
  16. Good evening, I have a problem to start the plane because is impossible to put on up the electrical bar (black & orange) all time coming down. I don't know what is the problem. Thank you
  17. Good evening,

    I can't start my TBM900 last version, the electric bar (black & orange) isn't possible to put in start position (up) all time coming down.

    Please help me with this problem

    Thank you

  18. Remove all TBM also files inside the XPlane main root Output, after that re install TBM and all ok
  19. Thank you, I disable all plugins by X-Organizer, re-install BTM900 and nothing. The three screens are the same , PFD's & MFD I put a image.
  20. Thank you very much, I will do, try unboxing one by one every items inside the resources file and also in pluggings folder
  21. Log.txt
  22. Impossible to me change screens in MDF, I don't see menu to Charts, Checklist etc. Thank you
  23. No,
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