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Everything posted by Defiance_co

  1. Heya, Thanks again for another livery hehe Cheers Tony
  2. Hiya, Glad you got it sorted Tony
  3. Cosmo, Another older 7200 hdd (500gb data from over 20years wasted) died on me, got a 500gb ssd next day Decided to move my install off a still working hdd to the new larger sized ssd Went just fine, then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like a fool i was chasing a problem regarding custom scenery, so i cleared all payware planes and items out to bring the install down to a somewhat vanilla install Found my problem I then placed back my folders (all as i thought) but i hadn't, i fired up with 737 as my chosen plane, got in and without thinking i clicked the re-acticvate or whatever it's called, i mean the red part that came up asking for email+pw A micro second later my brain kicked in lol, i knew then i had wasted a 2nd slot for nothing, as i forgot a folder regarding the IXEG 737 lol Just make sure you move all the stuff Tony
  4. Hiya, Thankyou Tony
  5. Hiya, Real Nice Thankyou Tony
  6. Hiya Alex, Many Thanks for this Have Fun Tony
  7. Hiya Mr Livery, hehe Good job there's not a daily 20 dl limit on this forum lol Many Thanks Tony
  8. Heya, Well, at least you've found out something I have got my r9 290x at the max now, she sure stresses at klax/eham for instance For me the crashes are purely lack of vram (or rather, i'm using as much eye-candy as i can) , i have got my settings so i can enjoy those airports and not crash now But i can replicate crashes easy by going to change a planes livery while in external mode while at/near those heavy fps-sapping areas, doing that just pushes the gpu over the top At least i know now for future problems, though a new minty fresh gpu would solve this easy i guess Was just a case of slowly working through all the variables to find stability, like yourself it's just a case of trying to locate/isolate a problem Hope it stays crash free for ya Have Fun Tony
  9. Hiya, It could rule a simple item/s out of the equasion Post back with the result if you can Maybe helpful for others Have Fun Tony
  10. I was pressing print button for the best shot but didn't quite capture what i wanted The slope's because i was in an external view, checking how the heck i hadn't clipped trees on a previous turn lol (auto pilot sure did its job great lol) My pics never seem as vivid and bright as ingame though hehe Plus i never shop them etc Thanks Tony
  11. Hiya, Thanks for another livery Tony
  12. Hiya, Will have to look for LGAV, off top of my head i have no idea where it is Did removing LJMB do anything ? (if you tried it i mean) Actually, downloding LJMB now looks great Tony
  13. Hiya, You might of answered your own post, remove those and try again in those places Tony
  14. Hiya, And yet another to add to my livery library lol Thankyou Tony
  15. Hiya kickremi, I have looked at the Tu444 previously Looks great I might go for that or an airbus, got three boeings now, time for an airbus maybe lol Thanks for the info it's much appreciated Tony ps : My 747-8 and 767-300 are rarely used anyways since getting them lol, still drawn to the 737 hehe
  16. JC, I've just tried it and it works fine for me Once you unzip/rar/7z etc Make sure you only have the Initial folder then the objects folder inside that, copy/drag that into the ixeg livery folder, you should be good to go after choosing the livery, i generally choose the airport (normally far away from my previous flight) so i wait until i'm out of heavy fps scenery, then use the change livery and keep flying option (not that it should matter) In the objects folder you should also see just 3 .png files I am assuming you know to choose the liveries from the options Tony Edit: Just checked my original download, it's as i thought, standard setup, meaning once unzipped etc, it is deffo just a case of placing it as-is into the livery folder
  17. Hiya's, kickremi, i don't know how i missed that payware version, though unavailable now slai, i didn't know about supersonic flight being borked Guess the old saying is right, you learn something new each day lol Thanks Guys Tony
  18. Hiya's, I know there's a couple of freeware concordes out there for x-plane 10 But, why would it be, no company has set about making a very realistic concorde in a payware version ? Any ideas guys/gals ? I would love a payware concorde to master I guess i'll just have to dream Cheers Tony
  19. Hiya, Thankyou Tony
  20. Hiya, Thankyou Tony
  21. Hiya, Thankyou Tony
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