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Everything posted by Marder1986

  1. Will the Cabin Light also be implemented for X-Plane 10 users or will it be for X-Plane 11 only? Best Regards Daniel
  2. Thanks Tom have make 3 flights. (Loading Co-Route) No Reset its No Problem but Missing it hehe. Thanks for help
  3. Im not sure. But after the update to 1.1 i think the FMC reset Feauture after Landing Stop Working? Anyone the same? Best Regards Daniel
  4. ok its not a bug its a Future Thanks
  5. Hey all Have a little question when on idle thrust, on ground the plane Start Moving forward is this correct? Best Regards Daniel.
  6. Thats Amazing. Thanks alot X-aviation and IXEG Team. Thank you for your Hard Work.
  7. Nice Great work IXEG can´t wait to fly version 1.1 thanks for your hard work.
  8. Thanks Jan. Can´t wait to 1.1
  9. Hey guys. Request from Germany. Can Anyone paint me this Dauair Saab? Best Regards Daniel
  10. All on the team X-Aviation and IXEG Thanks for your hard work.... its awesome Love you all Your work for the community is Incredible...... Best Regars from Germany.
  11. Hey... Warning labels on engines at night are black. have this on all Liverys. Best Regards Daniel
  12. Hey. When have an engine fire at the first moment can hear to bells. version 1.0.4.
  13. Hey, How Long must run the Apu run after Disconect APU Gen and air?
  14. Hey Who can i turn the ADF freq. to the 0.5 points? Regards Daniel
  15. And Thanks again Jan for your hard work on the community Nice Job. Best Regards from Germany. Daniel
  16. Thanks Jan... This little Details are so phantasic thanks for the Info. Daniel
  17. Hey the EIS not Display the 0°C TAT. Regards Daniel
  18. Hey have a little question when Starts the APU with connectet groundpower... Dimm some lights down when the APU startet kicks in. Feautre or bug?
  19. Nice Job Love it <3 Thanks.
  20. Nice Details <3 thanks for help
  21. Hey Why moves my Trimwheel automaticly without the AP?
  22. Hey missing the alt Warning horn what comes on with the Alt light, or is this a configuation Feature on customer? Best Regards Daniel.
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