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  1. Mr Archer and team are magicians! Great job guys! Steve
  2. Unrelated: Doesn't Jan's avatar make you smile every time you see it? That's what I imagine I'd be smiling like if I got to fly 737's for a living...
  3. Installer worked like a charm. Also: now I know why I love the Gizmo HotFix updater so much
  4. Can't update, and with the 1607 AIRAC (navigraph) I'm getting Gizmo crashes. I'll wait to log something formal until the 1.07 issue is wrapped up...
  5. As someone who's lived on the PMDG side of the fence for awhile the FMC errors are something I haven't seen before, but as an amateur programmer, I know where they come from and that's the mass mystery of "users". You think you do something solid and good in one section, only to find out that once it's in the wild, it wasn't as solid as you hoped. Overall, the FMC has been fine for me, until I start yanking it around, like changing approaches and STARs in flight, stacking commands before hitting "activate" and "execute" and other allowable but not normal things to do. Overall, $75 user for a clone of the Smith FMC is not what I expected nor what I received. Here's what I got: * A 3D cockpit that's beautiful to look at AND easy of the FPS * A sound set worth a price of it's own. I mean, a show of hands here - who else leaves the windows open during start and taxi just to listen to engines? * A flight model second to none - maybe the FJS 732 - but wow, what a fun plane to fly on vectors to final in crosswind! * An FMC that can get me from point A to B in most cases out of the box, with demonstrated commitment to improvements * An engaged dev team that is genuine in their concern and enthusiasm, not walled off in a castle on a mountain top Not only will I continue to buy from IXEG and X-Aviation, I'm looking forward to giving them more money for even more Boeing content... $75 = $30 for the base plane, $30 for the FMC and $15 for the sound set. When you think of it that way, isn't this a bargain?
  6. Found this while searching for FCOMs and other PDFs for the -300 http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/articles/qtr_02_10/pdfs/AERO_FuelConsSeries.pdf Great article on cost indexes direct from Boeing... Steve
  7. This is my first experience with Gizmo and it's been great so far. The fixes in this round really made a big difference how the plane "feels" and the ground handling seems more like what I would expect - a little inertia feeling when you first start to steer, but definitely turns on a dime like Jan had described previously.
  8. A suggestion-- start allowing the purchases on line but don't provide the download link until Saturday. That would sure help out with the crush of orders tomorrow. $75 is perfect based on what I've seen in the videos posted so far. Anyone know/ember what AIRAC it will ship with for FMC data?
  9. Agree. I don't fly the PMDG 777 as much because it's really just a button pusher and FMC simulator. I could fly it with VORs and hand fly it, but once I got the FlyJSim 732 I realized there's more fun on that side. I think this version is the best place for *me* to be - FMC but as Jan pointed out in the video, you can fly it almost any way you want to if you know the systems. Also, the cockpit sounds in the last video seem spot on for real life. I fly as a passenger for work on 737s often, and the engine surge sounds and cadence in the video gave me chills. Put the champagne on ice fellas and get ready to celebrate....
  10. IXEG Team: I am a customer of "Brand P" and one of the biggest values they bring is they high level of quality of their software. Please help set a new standard among X-Plane dev teams and release a great product, a "v1.0" can stand alone and not *have to have* updates. As far as comments about dev time: I've been part of software dev teams and it's always easy when you start and gets harder as you go, especially when it's "close". I remember reading comments on our product's forum about delays, guesses on what we did all day and worse. It can be demoralizing and while some devs develop a thick skin, it's tough to read or see. Imagine - your mom is making cookies for you. You go into the kitchen, complain when can't help taste the dough and you want to take them out of the oven early. When your mom doesn't let you, you start questioning her ability to bake, her skills in measuring ingredients and in some cases, her quality as a parent. How would she feel? Happy to wait for a product IXEG is proud to sell... Steve
  11. I'm still willing to wait for a systems-level accurate software package, so keep it until you're proud to release it. Yes, service packs to add other features are fine. But willing to wait another year if needed. There's plenty out there now to keep me happy.
  12. The takeoff roll and climbout gave me goosebumps. I really felt like I was sitting in the jumpseat on that one...
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