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Everything posted by john82088

  1. Thanks for the info
  2. A few years ago I was involved with FSE and the only thing I did not like is that the routes primarily went to small airports. Has that changed?
  3. Very nice!!!
  4. P3R:<br /><br />Makes sense, thanks for your response.<br /><br />John
  5. P3R: Have you tried flying the SAAB 340 on your new machine? If so, what kind of frame rates are you getting with your new computer? John
  6. Since the demo (4 parts) has now landed at KJFK, I hope the aircraft will soon be taxiing into my personal hangar! Incredible work guys! John
  7. I would like to place the Saab340 Silver Airways livery into some Florida airport scenery that I personally use. Does anyone know how to make that silver livery into an object that can be placed into airport scenery? Thanks for any advice anyone can offer. John
  8. Looking forward to seeing this
  9. Okay, good to know.<br /><br />Thanks<br /><br />John
  10. AJ:<br /><br />From your posts, you seem to have mastered the SAAB. One problem I am having is how to taxi smoothly. My speed continues to fluctuate back and forth and my taxing is becoming more like a slow roller coaster. I am constantly adjusting my throttle back and forth. Is there a way to have a constant smooth taxi like the CRJ2?<br /><br />Thanks for any help you can offer.<br /><br />John
  11. Wow!! Now your talking<br /><br />John
  12. Thanks - looks like a great program!
  13. SkyMaxx Pro 1.3 - Amazing clouds!
  14. Question: once you use your program, does it automatically fill into the planes FMC with the data from the program or do you still need to do that manually? John
  15. Thanks Chris. I will start removing scenery then from that part of the world to see if it is resolved. John
  16. I have not flown outside the US for quite awhile. Last night, I tried to fly at LTBA and xplane 10 crashed on my windows 7 machine. Does anyone know how I can remedy this error? Thanks in advance for any help offered. John
  17. My favorite plane also! I look forward to when this is available! John
  18. Nice livery
  19. Chris: Thanks for taking your time to share this with the x-plane community. I look forward to trying this out. John
  20. It looks light the new scenery from http://www.beti-x.com/index.html That just came out.
  21. Thanks John
  22. Ben: Do you feel the default weather is better then the NOAA plugin because of the bugs? I was considering trying that plugin out. John
  23. Thank you! John
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