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Everything posted by helios123

  1. How to create custom commands for the CDU? I want to bind my thrustmaster cougar MFD. Using flywithlua I have the following code But it creates a buzzing sound as if the initref button is being constantly pressed, and doesn't seem to work. Please help.
  2. Hi, the same thing happened to me recently using ASXP. Have you managed to reproduce the issue with ASXP?
  3. I have skymaxpro 3, Can i get a discount for version 4? I definitely will not purchase without significant discount. How many times are you gonna keep milking us? until version 10??
  4. Is is possible to simulate a cargo fire? I can't seem to find anything in aircraft failures menus. And on that note, what kind of advance failures are possible that is not by default in aircraft failures menus?
  5. i updated the towmaster from the org store to version 1.3 " TugMasterDeluxev1.3.zip " I pressed pause in the sim with it loaded and the problem didn't come up. Hopefully its been fixed, i will do a proper flight and pause a few times soon to test. if anyone else has had this problem please tell me if the latest tugmaster has fixed it.
  6. Sorry i should say, is there a way to leave tow plugin on and pause using IXEG? will this actual problem be fixeD?
  7. i seem to have this same problem, is there any solution"?
  8. According to the 737 Classic pilot handbook by mike ray you can add a waypoint a fixed distance from destination airport in the FMC. the instructions are on page 195 of the book. I am having trouble with step on that page; i cant seem to add any such waypoint based on the fixed page - the FMC simply says not in database. Anyone with the book have you managed to follow the steps on page 195, entitled "Using the Fix Page"? thanks
  9. Are you saying that one has to manually put in "DCT" into EFASS? Because EFASS does not automatically do that if you auto find route, nor if you grab a route from other services. Wouldn't it be better to have the export plugin fill in the "DCT" where required? thanks
  10. the export plugin seems not to work now. It seems the word 'DIRECT' needs to be on the fpl file. For example EFASS Exported this: KMIA SID WINCO LAL SZW MEI LIT TUL ICT SOSPE OATHE STAR KDEN and it said "Point not found". When I manually and save the route you get this: KMIA WINCO DIRECT LAL DIRECT SZW DIRECT MEI DIRECT LIT DIRECT TUL DIRECT ICT DIRECT SOSPE DIRECT OATHE KDEN
  11. i seem to have teh same problem as the OP and his post was made almost a year ago... I've attached gizmo log. Can you please fix this problem? thanks, GizmoLog.txt
  12. hi, i've attached gizmo log, although i don't notice sound problems in the sim, should i be getting all this cannot find ... sound file in my gizmo log? is something wrong? GizmoLog.txt
  13. can anyone tell me the install location for navigraph nav data, i have the FMS data manager but it seems to pick the wrong install location. thanks,
  14. besides the less redraws, what is the difference between x plane default and fs global real weather? the product is pretty expensive just for weather injector.
  15. does it have those annoying redraws like the default x plane weather?
  16. so does smp3 work well with FS GLobal real weather?
  17. anyone know of any Pel Air livery? please link
  18. when i go to rendering options in x plane 10 it says all loaded textures take up 2.5gb, but my vram consumed is 7gb... is there anyway way to temporarily disable skymax pro to see how much vram it is really consuming?
  19. hi i have 980 ti on 4k monitor. it seems skymax pro 3 is soaking up more vram than pro 2. already 1.5gb past the 6gb on my 980 ti even with pretty low settings. Do you guys need to make more optimisation or something?
  20. i simply clicked contact us at the bottom of this page, so apparently this forum website and x-aviation are different. i didnt know and you didnt realyl direct me when i had orignially posted.
  21. Request ID 181 Change status Status Open Started Today, 03:29 PM Last Reply Today, 03:29 PM Department Sales Severity Normal direct me where to make the support ticket you intend then
  22. request ID is 181
  23. hi i contacted support and still no answer as to my email
  24. hi, doesnt seem i've received any email. can you send again.
  25. thanks for that does that addon come with any more documents?
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