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  1. Thank You for uploading!
  2. No disrespect to the developers on your list, but only one out of that three is bringing consistent decent quality to XPX, and only MisterX can claim to be on the level of FlyTampa in X-Plane 10. Based on the screens coming from Attitude Simulations, if they get KDTW right, then they will probably be the best XPX scenery developer. Standing by with great interest in Icarus's KORD. Their Manchester was good.
  3. Good job! Keep them coming.
  4. Probably the best released scenery to date for XP10. Please people remember to donate something for this scenery if you can so that he can keep them coming, MisterX's work is so much worth it. Combine the surrounding area with world2xplane (mass pro) and g2xpl photo scenery ground textures and you have a masterpiece plus extra.
  5. Hey Jamal, whats your last name?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Attitude


      ok cool. Im going to add you to a group on Facebook...


    3. Attitude


      If you are on Facebook search for me and add me as friend. Steaven McKenzie


    4. hadoken


      I needed to create an account. Don't venture into social media much. But I just found you and added you as a friend.

  6. Looking good! All I see is quality in these screen shots.
  7. Any new updates for KDTW?
  8. So I was on the fence about buying scenery from Dai-Media. I have been looking for some high quality pay ware scenery that I can fly the IXEG 737 into. I found Dai-Media about a year ago, but I just wasn't very convinced by the videos. I was wrong, the quality of their scenery is amazing and the video don't do the actual scenery justice. I decided to give their LRBS a try, I liked it so much I went back and got LEBL. This development team is doing an awesome job with XP10 scenery development. I'm now standing by for their next release. Day one buy for sure! Now if we can convince them to bring their talent to some North American and South American airports. That would be fantastic!
  9. Sorry about that. I missed the sarcasm. My original point retracted,
  10. In the video he said the bad news was management of all the fuse switches. This is bad news? How? This is a study level sim. There are certain other simulations for beginners based on flight schools. X-Plane is not one of them.
  11. These new sounds are so good. Thanks Blue Sky Star Simulation!
  12. Released!!! http://www.blueskystar.net/crj200-jrollon.html
  13. Ortho is the photo scenery that sits below your autogen. Tony's w2xp is designed to work with photo scenery. For example your photo scenery is a 2d surface. While in the air that looks okay, on the ground or VFR it would not look very realistic. Tony's w2xp adds a 3d surface layer over the photo scenery using open street map data. Using the sat photo and w2xp you will have an accurate real world representation in your simulator. This is very similar to what you saw in your 32bit sim, if you have any experience with for example an Orbx region. The difference is that orthos plus w2xp is a very accurate representation of the real world. It's so accurate that you would be able to fly over your own house in the simulator. If the open street map data is good in your country, there will actually be a 3d model of your house in the simulator generated by w2xp. At the moment OSM data is the best in Europe, second best in the US. So if you fly a lot in either of these locations, your simulator is going to really shine. Do a google search for x-plane orthos for the various tools to create orthos for x-plane. Check out this video as an example of what ortho plus w2xp look like. Clearly you can see in this video it blows away anything in the 32bit sims. At the moment the w2xp developer has released several regional, and highly detailed areas. Norway, Massachutes, Great Britain, and a few others. Every continent is available, but as I said before OSM data in the global files may not be as good as for example Europe. In those areas you will not have much 3D generated over your 2D photo scenery.
  14. 1. If you want better ground textures in addition to uhd mesh you will need ortho photoscenery. Use uhd as your mesh, with ortho photo scenery on top of it. Then put World2Xplane on top of your photoscenery. Do this and you should have no further reason to go back to 32bit simulation again. Take a look at some of josjjgibbs twitch steams as an example of what your simulator could look like. Default ground textures are terriable in my opnion. 2. As for seasonal textures, I believe there's a company working on them at the moment. However I'm so impressed with w2xp and orthos that I really don't think that I can ever go back to default textures, even if they where seasonal. See SeasonsXP here http://maxx-xp.com/?page_id=23 3. I think this is dependent on the skill of the developer. Have you seen Richard Nunes's SBGL scenery? X-Plane is in constant development. You should keep an eye on the X-Plane developers blog to see what's coming done the pipe. One of the most exciting things I'm looking forward to in 10.50 is better and more static aircraft models at default airports. The nice thing about X-Plane is the default airports are actually worthy of flying in and out of. KSEA and KATL are awesome just to name a few. Default airports are built by the community using a standardized set of tools and textures from Laminar. Keep in mind you need a good computer to get the most out X-Plane 10. Here is a list of specs to get the absolute best out of this great simulator. I7 4970K or better GTX 980 or better 4gb of VRAM is must, recommend Titan X with 12gb VRAM for the very best performance with the most autogen. At least 16gb of RAM, recommended 32gb of RAM... don't be skimpy with this. 960gb or greater SSD for X-Plane and add-ons 460gb or greater SSD for uhd mesh 6tb WD black for all of your photo scenery. Add more WB Black drives as needed but 6tb should be more than enough to get you started. 16zl is sufficient. Anything more than that , you will have a lot of stutters as your HDD works to keep up with the sim. If you have the money then 6tb of SSD with 17zl or greater, but unless you're VFR flyer you want see much difference.
  15. We want scenery! We want scenery! I think the old 32bit developers are starting to listen. Aerosoft is listening a little more. If you have the time and skill, please respond to this link. I think the release of IXEG 737 has brought a lot of new interest to X-Plane. http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/111599-wanted-x-plane-support-officer/
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