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-VETTE last won the day on April 8 2016

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  1. I'm a touch confused - did you mean 61 and 91, or are you referring to a non-US country's aviation regulations? Part 60 is about flight simulator training devices, and Part 90 doesn't exist as far as I understand. Part 61 is about flight instruction, and Part 91 is general aviation.
  2. I'm not sure if this is user error or a bug, but I'm having trouble with the INS. The IRUs all align just fine and everything, with no indication of failure, but then none of the PL21 displays show any heading or attitude movement (the standby is just fine). I tried the "immediate reset" option, and it changed the attitude that was stuck, but it was still stuck showing one attitude. There are no triggered failures. Also, all the IRU State/Filter windows show up blank; I'm not sure if that has anything to do with this, but figured it doesn't hurt to mention. Log.txt
  3. Check the .Org forums.
  4. Hello, all! I'm not entirely sure if this is the right topic since this is normally used for development of specific aircraft, but I figured it's the best one to use. We at High Alpha Development Group (HADG) are looking for a 3D modeler. We have a number of projects, and our progress is being halted by the lack of a 3D modeler. We need someone who can create a 3D model, animate it, UV map it, and make it work with given datarefs (I am able to find datarefs, but the 3D modeler should be able to implement them). Ideally they would also be able to texture, but that is not a requirement. Right now we are only working on freeware, but we do plan to make payware when we feel our quality is high enough to justify it. Our focus is on GA aircraft and small/classic airliners, but feel free to take a look at our website to get an even better idea of what we work on. Please shoot me a PM if you would be interested in joining our team! -VETTE
  5. I have the same issue when using solid stratiform. I'm on 4.6.0, Mac (AMD R9, MacOS Sierra), and XP11.05r4. The issue is gone when I use dense particles. Other than dense particles, I'm on all default SMP settings. Hopefully this helps you.
  6. You don't. The DC-3's Sperry AP only controls pitch, roll, and yaw.
  7. For me it's on descent - put her in a descent, press the alt select button, stop paying attention for just a little too long, the AP tries to keep her at altitude and puts her in a deep stall, everyone crashes and dies.
  8. I had a near accident today - made an emergency landing in the Beaver (I had taken off with what I didn't realise was too little fuel) and landed with 12 gallons remaining. Lucky I had a 40kt tailwind.
  9. Disregard
  10. Self-censored
  11. It's so hard to wait And how dare you? You announced one of my favorite aircraft (the MD-11), and now I can't stop thinking about it! Darn you for being great developers!
  12. Sadly, I don't think so.
  13. I'd love it if HADG could get a booth there somehow. I would do whatever I have to to get there, and we've got some new and exciting things happening. This Friday I'm going to an airport in MD to get a whole ton of measurements of the RV-14, and after that happens we can start to really make some progress. -VETTE PS: Our website is in my signature, as of 1808z today I am working on updating the site.
  14. Sweet! Not a big fan of the plane, but I'll definitely fly this!
  15. It's quite beautiful.
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