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judeb last won the day on July 8 2023

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About judeb

  • Birthday 05/09/1965

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    2.5 km south of EIDW

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  1. Make sure you don't open more than one ticket, as this will void the older one.
  2. There's a new version released today did you try it yet?
  3. There is a license error in the log. Are you using version 1.51? 0:02:39.342 G64: warn: We have received:[lss.xa.validation] msg:[8599407] param:[571798320] 0:02:39.343 G64: debug: IXEG: ----Beginning License Check Sequence---- 0:02:39.343 G64: debug: IXEG: defaulting IXEG license to OFF before activation checks 0:02:39.344 G64: debug: IXEG: Staging kill functions in case license invalid.... 0:02:39.344 G64: debug: IXEG: Verifying Level 2 backup before initiating checks..... 0:02:39.344 G64: debug: IXEG: Level 2 backup ready and standing by, Beginning license checks 0:02:39.344 G64: debug: IXEG: --------------------------------------------------------------- 0:02:39.344 G64: debug: IXEG: Checking for valid license via Level 1..... 0:02:39.344 G64: debug: IXEG: Level-1 license check good. Requesting Level-2 check.... 0:02:39.344 G64: debug: IXEG: Performing Level-2 check 0:02:39.344 G64: debug: IXEG: Level-2 check FAILED 0:02:39.345 G64: debug: IXEG: Killing critical functions, kill set [1] 0:02:39.345 G64: debug: IXEG: Killing critical functions, kill set [2] 0:02:39.345 G64: debug: IXEG: Level-1 PASS / Level-2 FAIL. License invalid 0:02:39.345 G64: debug: GK: Auto license update is on. 0:02:39.345 G64: debug: GK: License days remaining: 13.10 - No update required. 0:02:39.345 G64: debug: GK: Update required when <= 2.00 days.
  4. I was going to say the same thing
  5. Thanks, I just used GIMP to change the colour.
  6. The brightness is an overall X-Plane 12 issue. It's the same with other aircraft.
  7. Upload log.txt file so they can check.
  8. I made the same mistake
  9. I would try creating/checking an exception in your anti-virus software for your X-Plane folder location. It might be blocking Gizmo.
  10. Are you using this control?
  11. Same issue with renamed plugins file. Log.txt debug.log Gizmo64_ImGui.ini
  12. Yes, correct,
  13. Most sounds working, but no sound from autopilot if joystick is moved to disable autopilot, but when Disengage is pressed it does sound as expected.
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