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  1. Is there any commands for starting the PA announcements? I know you can open the panel with a command 'CL650/cabin_info/popup' but I was hoping I could select each message to play with a command.
  2. Hi, not sure if this has been mentioned before but here goes.. I have just got back into flying the LES Saab 340 and forgot how much I love it. I remember I noticed this a while back but had forgotten about it until flying it again. There seems to be a strange screen graphics overlay when I load the LES Saab 340. see attached image. It only appears after I have loaded this aircraft. The strange think is it remains even when I load another aircraft. After some searching I think it might be the file 'CHP_crs_hdg.png' ( guessing obviously but it looks like it ) Many thanks for any help in advance
  3. Hi Cam, I have created a LUA script which creates ON and OFF commands for the short list you have shown. Just unzip and put the 'A340Tog.lua' script into your LUA scripts folder, default location is \X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts Hope this helps Switches Commands ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stby Pitot heat - FlyWithLua/SF34/STBY_Pitot_On FlyWithLua/SF34/STBY_Pitot_Off R Front Window - FlyWithLua/SF34/R_Front_Window_On FlyWithLua/SF34/R_Front_Window_Off L Front Window - FlyWithLua/SF34/L_Front_Window_On FlyWithLua/SF34/L_Front_Window_Off Eng, Prop and airframe deicing Boot IND - FlyWithLua/SF34/Boot_IND_On FlyWithLua/SF34/Boot_IND_Off R Eng Anti Ice - FlyWithLua/SF34/R_Eng_Antiice_On FlyWithLua/SF34/R_Eng_Antiice_On L Eng Anti Ice - FlyWithLua/SF34/L_Eng_Antiice_On FlyWithLua/SF34/L_Eng_Antiice_On External light switches Nav - FlyWithLua/SF34/Nav_Lgt_On FlyWithLua/SF34/Nav_Lgt_Off Beacon - FlyWithLua/SF34/Beacon_Lgt_On FlyWithLua/SF34/Beacon_Lgt_Off Strobe - FlyWithLua/SF34/Strobe_Lgt_On FlyWithLua/SF34/Strobe_Lgt_Off R Landing Light - FlyWithLua/SF34/R_Landing_Lgt_On FlyWithLua/SF34/R_Landing_Lgt_Off L Landing Light - FlyWithLua/SF34/L_Landing_Lgt_On FlyWithLua/SF34/L_Landing_Lgt_Off Taxi - FlyWithLua/SF34/Taxi_Lgt_On FlyWithLua/SF34/Taxi_Lgt_Off Wing - FlyWithLua/SF34/Wing_Lgt_On FlyWithLua/SF34/Wing_Lgt_Off Prop Sync - FlyWithLua/SF34/Prop_Sync_On FlyWithLua/SF34/Prop_Sync_Off R CTOT - FlyWithLua/SF34/R_CTOT_On FlyWithLua/SF34/R_CTOT_Off L CTOT - FlyWithLua/SF34/L_CTOT_On FlyWithLua/SF34/L_CTOT_Off A340Tog.zip
  4. I have the same problem, engine starts fine but will not increase RPM when you move condition to max. It has been like this since the beginning and I am pretty sure there are no more updates scheduled for this version, will have to wait for version 2 regards
  5. Big thanks for all your hard work on version 1.6.5. all good and no issues to report. Looking forward to seeing what you can do with version 2
  6. I did a flight using differential engine thrust. Great challenge and treated as a nose wheel steering failure.
  7. Thanks for the continue work but I sem to have a few issues There seems to be a problem with nose wheel steering. It appears to be a free castering Aso the hydraulic pressure drops very quickly with nothing operating which causes the pump to activate every 13 seconds or so.
  8. sirtopper

    Trim Issues

    I can confirm there is something not right with elevator trim indicator and dataref when the autopilot has control. They do not alter at all while the autopilot has control. When you then disconnect the autopilot because the trim is not synced up with the autopilot trim setting there is sudden jump in aircraft pitch as it adjusts to elevator pitch trim reading.
  9. I tried in OpenGL and very similar results
  10. I agree it is difficult to see and I haven't noticed it before. It does look like the wall is highly reflective. The airport is EGNX by ORBX and I am using Vulcan on the latest 11.53.
  11. There is a wall in the distance that seems to be highly reflective and reacting to the taxi light. Have attached a recording to hopefully show I'm not seeing things. Regards 1123730655_TaxilightnighttestEGNX.mp4
  12. Just updated to 1.55 for Saab 340 version 1.6.4 available here https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/60439-saab-a340-xfirstofficer/
  13. sirtopper

    Taxi Light

    Never noticed my taxi light looking so dim before. On closer inspection it seems to be lighting up the path to the right and far ahead. Have attached two screen shots of taxi light on and off. You can see the road lit and very little in front on the taxi way.
  14. This rapid ITT rise has always been present when moving from Start to MIN and from the videos I have seen it occurs in the real plane, although not as much. But I have noticed that the Torque, ITT temp and engine RPM seem to be very twitch when you move the power levers around ground and flight idle positions. My elevator trim is still not moving either when the autopilot is connected. Also I experienced my glide slope bars missing again. Not sure what I did but will see if I can repeat it.
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