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Everything posted by Brobi737

  1. Hi Guys! I know this is a cosmetic thing (not that important), but after V1.0 are you thinking about implementing the ability to see flap vortices? Cheers, Blake
  2. Oh my goodness, Oh boy do we have some fun ahead of us!!!! so excited!!!!! ... The ultimate experience is just around the corner now!
  3. Ok sounds good Can't wait for the new update then! Cheers, Blake
  4. This sounds great! But surely it has to have a negative affect on Performance/FPS? Cheers, Blake
  5. Question for Jan... I understand that you use SkyMaxx Pro (as seen and mentioned in a previous video) What's your thoughts on SkyMaxx Pro v3? How does the 733 run with it, and in comparison with the default X-Plane Weather? Or do you recommend any other weather programs? Cheers, Blake
  6. Adding to this topic (Performance)... I know it was mentioned in the "Cold and Dark" four part series, that some of the objects can be 'killed' to help with performance. Does this mean for e.g. that when in the cockpit the cabin textures and all can be disabled so to speak? For myself that feature would be great, as I am mainly interested in the realistic cockpit environment, not so much the rest of the cabin. Absolutely cannot wait to see this incredible creation reach the x-plane market! Great job guys, this is sure to be a major milestone for realistic airline simulation for x-plane! Cheers, Blake
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