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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Lower your lateral field of view on that page. Try something like 70.
  2. Sounds like you need to run the installer provided in your purchase.
  3. No, that is not correct.
  4. That's a fair point. I forgot about NVIDIA support being so long ago already!
  5. Captains, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.0.1 update for the BN-2T Turbine Islander. All customers who have purchased the BN-2T Turbine Islander up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the BN-2T Turbine Islander from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.0.1 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original BN-2T Turbine Islander download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: Improvements / New Features: Added engine failures for significant over-torquing Added throttle and mixture lever detents Added multi-sided prop disc logic Added Alt. Static Source switch Bug Fixes: Elevator trim limits adjusted Fixed HSI misaligned texture with night lighting FMOD improvements Updated libraries to resolve mt_uploader crash at launch that few users were experiencing Right altimeter baro setting fixed D/G-Slew Indicator added As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy this latest update, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  6. It just means that because you've taken out one plugin not compatible, the next is now barfing because it's also not compatible. For Apple, compiling is done with target selection and you hope for the best. The problem is, Apple begins to remove previous OS compatibility as time goes. It's likely that some library is no longer compatible. I would not count on 10.13 compatibility from here on out, and if you need 1.1.12 you can send an e-mail to support@x-aviation.com stating such. Honestly, there's no reason to hang on to 10.13, and if you are, it's likely for an app and you should re-evaluate. Apple is going to keep pushing forward, and you're going to get left further and further behind. Finding alternative apps is probably a better idea.
  7. Unfortunately this is what Apple says SHOULD work. It's evident it doesn't. The target is selected at compile time. As it's so old, we were not personally able to test. It's clear it doesn't.
  8. A few things: 1. You may need to restart your computer. 2. You cannot be in the installer when you make this change.
  9. Since you're not using volumetric, can you install SMPv4 from your order history and provide a proof comparison that something is amiss? Nothing should have changed between v4 style clouds.
  10. Performance improvements will mostly come through hardware. The actual software behind ray-casted clouds has been around long enough to not have a "magic" button to change things via code. You have a couple of options: 1. Evaluate your AA setting in the X-Plane rendering settings. Seems a lot of people with these higher end cards are trying to push sliders so far right that it's becoming too much when you add in ray-casted clouds. I'd also re-evaluate any use of max textures. It's not necessary and not a huge trade-off to lower this a notch down. 2. Switch to a different cloud type in the SkyMaxx settings that were similar to v4. In v5, these older cloud types will be getting changes and performance increases, so even if you had v4 you will be getting something different in v5 that benefits you.
  11. Alright @grillbiller, I took another look at this since you posted after trying to activate today. I was able to then take your IP address from the post here, and cross-reference that with the server logs from today to see if your computer was receiving data from our server, or even sending it. I was in a way able to reproduce this on my end by finding your computer's transmission with our activation server, analyzing what was happening, and seeing what was causing this. Cross-referencing the code in the activation system at the line number it's having a problem at, the message "no internet connection" occurs when you receive 0 bytes from our server. The typical reason for this would be a firewall or internet timeout. I believe I have fixed this for you, but I need to warn you that this issue was primarily caused by that Insider Program and the insane amount of activations you had since 2017. I do not suggest you stay in this program at all. You will almost assuredly run into this issue again, and I think it's saying something when you're the only customer who triggered this. Please activate now and see how you go.
  12. You don't. It's for commercial customers only. To this date you're still the only person I've ever seen with this.
  13. Why don't you at least do steps 1 and 2? That should take you a matter of seconds.
  14. Hi @BUDSALB, See here: https://support.torquesim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057635513-Steps-to-resolve-plugins-not-loading-Error-Code-126-
  15. You were stretching things way too think running volumetric clouds with maxed settings. If you want to use them, adjust things like your X-Plane AA settings 2-3 notches down, and watch the performance increase. Even for todays GPU's, you were just asking way too much.
  16. Unfortunately Apple forces this. As they update major versions of the OS, they make it so that old versions cannot even be targeted or work more. I believe a big reason for this is also to get you, as their customer, to move to the next OS.
  17. Rename that to cacert.pem without the underscore.
  18. If you go to: X-Plane/resources/plugins/Gizmo64.plugin/firmware/assets/ca_store/ Which do you see, _cacert.pem or cacert.pem?
  19. Post your X-Plane rendering settings in a screenshot.
  20. That was an oversight on my part. In that case, please re-name it to cacert.pem and remove the underscore.
  21. Hello @Maverick51, Please try renaming the following file: X-Plane/resources/plugins/Gizmo64.plugin/firmware/assets/ca_store/cacert.pem To: _cacert.pem (adding the underscore). Let us know how that goes.
  22. @Lcperu Seems to be related to a custom scenery pack. One of them has an insanely long name in the airport name, and it's causing this to hiccup. You'll need to narrow down which scenery pack it is. Best way is probably to: 1. Re-name Custom Scenery to Custom Scenery_Bak 2. Create a folder named Custom Scenery 3. Manually move each scenery pack over till you find the one causing the issue
  23. Our guess at the moment is this is probably the issue. With the way Apple works, it's a rock and a hard place at times with Xcode and how they force developers to "drop" old versions of MacOS. Your OS is long in the tooth. I would consider at least upgrading to Catalina.
  24. It's possible you have an installer dialog hiding somewhere. Maybe move the installer window around to see if you can find it.
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