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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Okay, I have to comment...sorry! First and foremost: What's the purpose of your post or disappointment? If you're going to be negative or hopeful, at least back yourself up. Sorry, but there's no point otherwise. Let this first be clear that this response is NOT coming out because it's associated to me. It's a general statement I have because I've seen other people speak of this and frankly, I just don't understand why. It's not many who do complain about it, but never the less, the complaint is there when it's there... What's so disappointing about this? The 3D in a "2D" view looks plenty fine to me...always has regardless of the plane I've flown. One difference here is that this aircraft will go the extra mile and give you the pre-sets to allow you the zoomed in functionality of a similar 2D view AND you get pop-ups! The 3D as 2D also allows manipulator functionality (something the CRJ uses in great numbers). Going off another post of your own, you stated: If such is the case, then manipulators are a step in the right direction. As such, 2D panels are out of the picture, and 3D takes over as 2D. Given the massive amount of manipulators "programmed" into this aircraft, I would think this would plenty suit someone like yourself well. All the above said, if you feel you're going to be disappointed, don't buy it. We all certainly love the business, but even more is that we want happy customers. If it's something you're going to have grief over then maybe this aircraft is NOT for you.
  2. Kamil, Goodway should work just fine. However, I have heard some people being disappointed in response times as of late for their serial key with Goodway, so you may want to try another program. If you're on Windows I highly suggest FSBuild. It exports X-Plane flight plans, and is available here: http://secure.simmarket.com/ernie-alston-fsbuild-2.phtml As for plug-in compatibility: There are simply too many of them out there to test and they are not prioritized on our list. However, I would assume MOST plug-ins will work just fine with the CRJ.
  3. Mirko, You shouldn't have any problems running the CRJ at this resolution.
  4. I don't think Garrett meant any harm, Kaphias. Most forums don't allow self deletion, and it would be rather peculiar of a moderator to delete the post in question, so I can see the cause for concern on Garrett's part. Either way, I'm sure Ola has his reasoning for deleting his own post. It may well have to do with respect to those involved. Best, Cameron
  5. I believe there was an additional post from Ola, however it appears he has decided to delete his own post for whatever reason. You're allowed to do that on your own will in some categories here...
  6. Hi, Joe, It's our every intention to keep people informed, but we must also tread lightly on this as well. A lot of times excitement for a product leads to disappointment for the consumer if even an estimated release date is given and it's not met. We started doing this earlier on, but got some of this excitement turned disappointment and have since stopped giving any kind of dates. As such, the only news you'll hear from now on is concrete details that are finished or ready to be seen, like in the videos. With the above said, the programming is coming along very nicely. It's nearly done, but I'm not about to peg a percentage value on it just to be on the safe side. We have had no unforeseen problems per se, but fine tuning instead. Anton has worked very hard to ensure that we get the maximum FPS possible when running the plug-in, so a few times we've had to go back to the drawing board and figure out the best way how to display things in an efficient manner. Needless to say, we're passed this hurdle. As has been stated in numerous other posts...when there's something of note to share, this will be the place to find it. Until then, it's best to assume we're working hard to get this done with the least bugs and best performance possible for our customers. We have a reputation to follow, and we anticipate on keeping that reputation good. We do appreciate the excitement. In fact, we're very excited ourselves! However, with quality comes time, and with time comes the requirement of patience. It's coming...soon, but not tomorrow!
  7. Cameron

    Airbus 320

    Henrik, I do believe Torsten is doing a great job on his project and wish him luck, however, we (Anton) have a fairly good base of the A320 systems started, and in order to keep costs down, it's better to utilize our own resources and not add more people to a team. This in turn, makes the product cheaper for you as a customer. Economics is the reason for keeping talent up, and group size down!
  8. AIRAC data will be provided by: http://www.navdata.at/ It is up to you as a user to keep it up to date by subscribing to their service should you choose to.
  9. Hello, y-man, Welcome aboard! Happy to have you here. Enjoy the discussions and taking part in them!
  10. Hi, John, X-Plane.com sells it for $29.99US and appears to ship to Canada: http://secure.ultracart.com/cgi-bin/UCEditor?merchantId=MEYER&ADD=X-PLANE+VERSION+9 You may also want to check out Canadian Ebay: http://shop.ebay.ca/?_from=R40&_trksid=p3907.m38.l1313&_nkw=x-plane&_sacat=See-All-Categories
  11. *sigh* Tell him to get a REAL job! Though, that X-Plane turned coffee maker idea must be SOMEWHAT appealing for the Professional Coffee Maker you make yourself out to be, eh?
  12. Yikes! I know! I better keep my mouth shut. I hear you know that guy, Ben...please send him my best. Shhhhh...it's a secret!
  13. Ya, well, that guy in the interview is an idiot.
  14. Huh? Guess you shouldn't buy the 777 or other products shown here too then, right? They would cost too much... In all seriousness, I appreciate everything that FlyTampa and the Cloud9 guys make. I do suggest purchasing the packages if you're looking for an immersible experience in X-Plane or even FS. They work hard at what they do, and do a good job at it. So far I've had pretty good luck with the Cloud9 stuff, with the exception of Orlando for FS X. These packages convert quite well as is, Joe.
  15. Kamil, It is highly likely that the plug-in you speak of will not work perfectly with our CRJ. Once the CRJ is released you may want to contact the author of the plug-in you speak of for CRJ compatibility. As for updates: When we have something to share, this will be the place to see it. No one will be left in the dark, and no one will be told more info than the next. As long as you follow these forums you'll know the latest updates and release info should we have something to announce.
  16. LAX = Cloud9 LHR = UK2000 Heathrow Xtreme DXB = FlyTampa
  17. Mark, Currently there is no product that does what you are seeking unless you go about making it on your own, however, I can tell you a landclass-like product is in the works.
  18. Hey, inktomi, I think it's an excellent choice of aircraft for a beginner! It's small, has some good learning aspects to it, allows you to dive into Planemaker and understand the flight model a bit more, and has a relatively small enough panel for you to get used to and understand the generics and how to customize them! If the information is so readily available, I say go for it and have some fun!
  19. Sorry, I disagree. If this product was priced at $20-25, you'd be seeing less of this "focus" on the weaknesses. The only $65 value in this product is what Peter values himself at...which is completely acceptable..to HIM. If you're going to compare it with what the rest of the market offers, then this is a very overpriced product. That's the simple explanation of it all! His other products appear to be more fair priced (and are told to be more complete than the A380), and as such, you don't hear the complaints. Adding an obj model to your product doesn't instantly make it worth $30 more in majority of the markets eyes...as seen with most posts here. Exactly what I've said in an earlier post.
  20. The post right above yours says "give or take a few months..."
  21. Why shouldn't they? If you're dumping $65 down, one would hope you get great craftsmanship and a great flight model. I can't attest to the flight model (I haven't bought it), but it's quite obvious there are things lacking...something admitted by the author. I find this statement rather contradictory. Why should people complain or be concerned about this if Peter is well known for good flight models? You went on to say: "Peter Hager, as I understand it, is very thorough in this discipline." So if he's so thorough in it, doesn't it make sense that this is NOT the center of complaint at the given time? I certainly see it that way.
  22. John, On behalf of Javier, Anton, and myself thanks for the kind compliments! It's always encouraging to see people interested in our projects and excited for their release. We'll be in touch!
  23. Nice shots, Jacoba! Thanks for sharing! I'm off to download a baron now.
  24. The simple answer to this is "yes," we are incorporating sound sets into the package.
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