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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Looking great, Ola!
  2. You're better off asking this at the official forum on the org.
  3. The problem here is that you have not unzipped the installer. You are running the installer from within a zip file, which will not work. Please extract the zip file and then run the installer after the extraction of the zip is completed.
  4. It is infact included. Somewhere along the lines you have something wrong with the CRJ install. Please re-install the CRJ.
  5. As this is solved, topic closed.
  6. Tyson, Please do the following: 1. Run the CRJ Uninstaller located in your main X-Plane folder. 2. Re-Download the CRJ, or do a fresh unzip of the CRJ 3. Run the CRJ installer. Please ensure you use the little folder icon in the installer to select your X-Plane folder and not type in the name of the X-Plane folder. There have been a few Mac users who have typed the name of X-Plane, but not the path. The folder icon will ensure the real path to your X-Plane folder is input into the text field. 4. Open X-Plane. 5. Open the CRJ. If installed correctly, your CRJ will be located in your Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 folder.
  7. Tyson, Please see my last post above yours....
  8. Hi, Tyson, It sounds as though maybe you proceeded through the install a bit too fast when it was completed. After install it informs you that the aircraft is installed to: X-Plane/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 There is no need to drag any files from the unzipped download. The installer will do EVERYTHING for you.
  9. A default aircraft with default systems. Makes sense to me. When you buy X-Plane 10 you get the plane for free (don't even need to do that...could download the demo and you'd get it free then as well)!
  10. Hi, Tyson, This appears to be a faulty install on your part. Did you actually RUN the installer? It appears you have not. By the looks of it, it seems you may have just unzipped the file you downloaded and moved it to the X-Plane directory, when what you should have done is ran the installer after unzipping your download.
  11. Jacoba, The issue actually has to do with permissions on your computer. All products at X-Aviation use the same installer, and with thousands of products sold using the same installer I think it's safe to assume that the installer or "us" is not at fault. That said, I do know how to help you correct this on your computer, and the fix will work for each product if you happen to adjust a few text words here and there in terminal. Send in a support ticket and we'll finish this up there.
  12. Topic locked for failure to follow support procedure. Please follow the guidelines listed here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=2486.0
  13. Paul, In the very document you provide (the white image above) the cross hair is shown off to the right. This signifies the two variants floating around.
  14. Not likely to happen. I can, however, appreciate your concern. In all honesty, it's plenty easy to operate this aircraft even in a stressful VATSIM environment WITHOUT Track IR. I do not use one. I get along A-Ok, and I'm sure once you begin to explore and get used to the Pilot View settings you will too. Many of the aircraft developed these days are done in this instance, and they are NOT made with TrackIR in mind as you attempt to suggest. As far as I'm aware, Javier is the only developer at X-Aviation who even has it.
  15. X-Plane is a 32-bit app. It makes little difference to be honest. It's likely to run okay for you given you've got an i5. The higher end Core 2 Duo's handle it just fine as well.
  16. Roberto, As stated, the manuals are IN your aircraft folder. They are installed for you when you install the CRJ. So it would be in: X-Plane/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/Manual
  17. As mentioned above, this is done in the Operations and Warnings menu Any and all documentation for the CRJ-200 is located in the Manual folder. File is: "CRJ200_PilotHandbook_1.0.1.pdf" You'll want to read the provided manual included in your aircraft manual folder: "CRJ200_Manual_1.1.0.pdf" Under consideration. When is up in the air. The core important pieces of this simulation are there. TCAS is on our "radar." Thank you, Roberto, for purchasing and being a customer of X-Aviation!
  18. Wadesworld, The solution to your HDG knob and those alike is relatively simple. For situations like that where you KNOW where the knob is, simply go into 3D cockpit mode (CTRL and O key at once) with your PFD already popped up. After doing so, use the 'Q' and 'E' key to move your head left or right. Another tip and suggestion: In your rendering settings ensure your FOV setting is somewhere around 65 or higher assuming you have a standard PC setup.
  19. You'll need to contact Navigraph: http://www.navigraph.com/www/default.asp
  20. Great to see them moving over and making good progress! The more support for X-Plane the better!
  21. It appears greatly you do not understand my drift. Think out of the box. I know precisely what you were referencing. Back on topic now, please!
  22. Perhaps you should only comment on what you know and not what you assume.
  23. Great! Philipp will look into this shortly.
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