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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Thank you for the heads up, Dan's cheerleader! You always have those pom poms at the ready. Nice looking add-on. Will probably pick it up.
  2. The practical reason lies with the fact that as a novice programmer, Javier did the best he could and doesn't know how to create commands at this time.
  3. You need to consult whomever makes the plugins for GoFlight hardware. We do not control that! We do offer a list of datarefs to link things to: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/topic/1871-list-of-all-crj-datarefs-cockpit-builders-heat-up-your-soldering-irons/
  4. Awesome, Keith!
  5. Please submit a support ticket at X-Aviation for this. http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/contact_us.php
  6. I'm not quite sure how this could be happening for you. I've just loaded 1.4.5 in the latest version of 10.2 even and I can POS INIT each and every time. You're saying you can't even get this to work on your first aircraft load? I don't even have a complaint from anyone about this until here, for that matter.
  7. Datareference. I don't believe Javier opted for any commands on this aircraft.
  8. Perhaps I don't follow you here. Given you are a programmer and are capable of creating what you need with a list of datarefs, what's the problem? The list is here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/topic/4380-custom-datarefs/ Seems simple enough to me. One dataref to control bigger numbers knob, one dataref to control lower numbers knob.
  9. http://www.vattastic.com/
  10. You are assuming things like the radio should be able to use default and not custom. In this case you are wrong. The rules developers follow are very simple: Use default datarefs if they do what you need them to. If they don't, custom is the only way. We will not be releasing a default only route. Given that custom plug-ins are the way for the future, perhaps it is time developers of hardware related plugins consider other options (like INI files that allow the dataref for which a product should listen/adjust for). This would at least standardize things a bit, so long as the developers agree to make CMD compatible add-ons.
  11. It does depending on your hardware and how you have things configured in X-Plane.
  12. Hi, Harfang, I have changed your download as well. That said, based on your CPU and GPU as well as the fact you have no issues in X-Plane 9, I'm not sure this will solve your issues in 10. Your system will be rather taxed with X-Plane 10 no matter what.
  13. Weather is not something we control.
  14. This makes no difference at all. X-Plane is running in 32-bit mode, so it can't access anymore than the 3GB of ram you see already in use.
  15. Hi, Mike, I've changed your download to version 1.4.5. Please download this, install, and see if things change for you.
  16. Sounds like you are having memory exhaustion issues. A few things to try: 1. Re-name your Custom Scenery folder to Custom Scenery_old 2. Create an empty folder in place of it called Custom Scenery 3. Lower your resolution setting and restart X-Plane. After these steps does the problem persist?
  17. In short, 64-bit will be the answer for the 1.5.x series.
  18. You may want to also try going back to 1.4.5 if you have that available.
  19. Cameron

    DMax Releases Blackshape Prime

    There's no plugin for this aircraft, so if there's something not working for you I'd say it's on your system. I can't duplicate the same issues as you, and we've received no reports of such.
  20. This definitely has nothing to do with Oahu. Never seen or heard of this before, and we don't use any form of plugin that could even BEGIN to mess with settings like that. Perhaps deleting your preferences would be a good start.
  21. Go to the rant section for this kind of talk, please. The .org serves a tremendous purpose to the X-Plane community and I do not hope it disappears. While I do not agree with the tactics of the owner and operator, I believe the community itself is valuable.
  22. Okay folks. No need for further reports here. The aircraft is NOT 64-bit compatible and will not be until the update and 10.2 goes final. We're aware of the situation.
  23. You're running the CRJ in 64-bit. Run it in 32-bit instead. More info here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/topic/4106-solved-x-plane-10-beta-5-32bit-64bit-crj-200/ We will release 64-bit after 10.2 has gone final, just as Laminar has requested of developers: http://developer.x-plane.com/2012/11/please-do-not-release-64-bit-add-ons/
  24. Thanks for purchasing. I have been having discussions with Austin on CCW props in X-Plane, and we are going to be investigating this. In short, X-Plane should be taking care of any roll simulation. He agrees that CCW props should NOT roll to the right, but rather neutral out. What will come of this remains to be seen, as we're early in on discussions.
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