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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Please create a thread in the bug reporting section, and include the Gizmo Log file located in your X-Plane folder.
  2. Captains, X-Aviation and IXEG are pleased to provide you a free update to version 1.0.6 of the IXEG 737 Classic! Just like with our previous update, we will use the HotFix upgrade system here. Rather than going and re-downloading an entire aircraft package, or having to go through a full re-install process, we will be offering more immediate code changes through this delivery method. In short, it's quick, easy, and kind of fun! Please read below how to install this update! But first, here's what's in it... Version 1.0.6 introduces the following new features: Added FMC reset after landings for turn-around flights so you don’t have to reboot Gizmo. Implemented fuel qty output on PROG page Implemented ETA to T/C, T/D, and E/D on PROG page Implemented Wind speed/dir on PROG page Improved VNAV speed target functionality on VNAV descents New datarefs for Pilotedge pilots. PE can now fail any electrical bus or your hydraulics remotely. Allow use of VNAV for climb and cruise without requiring T/D to exist. Version 1.0.6 introduces the following fixes: Improved ETA values on the PROGRESS page to active and NEXT waypoints. Fixed bug where on the PROGRESS PAGE, fuel used was displayed improperly. Fixed bug where sometimes the magenta route would draw ‘backwards’ from the takeoff runway. Four general fixes for gizmo soft-crashing related to LNAV/VNAV algorithms. Now you can’t enter manual MCP SPD autothrust mode when on VNAV anymore Bearing and distance on FIX INFO page now updates dynamically as you move. Stopped the autopilot speed getting set to 001 in some circumstances Added warning window if the aircraft is not installed into correct X-Plane folder/path. Improved route drawing with conditional waypoints in Navigraph DB Improved waypoint sequencing to be more reliable More accurate Vref entry methods on APPROACH REF page. Fixed lights being "blocky" when having 737 installed and using IVAO Fixed FD MA lights to not turn off when autopilot is engaged FLARE no longer lingering on FMA after autoland and both FDs and APs are off Fixed one case that would lead to having a loop in the route before the missed approach HOLDING pattern Hardened code against speed restriction altitude deletion Improved import and wrong calculation of some altitude restrictions Only show CDU message, ”CHECK ALTITUDE TARGET" when actually engaging the VNAV button. To upgrade your aircraft to version 1.0.6 please follow the below steps: Open X-Plane and the 737 Classic as your aircraft In the X-Plane menu bar at top, select Plugins > Gizmo64 > Windows > HotFix You will be asked to enter in your HotFix ID. Copy and paste in the following: bdcfe7080ba333401e6953e3ab1a974b Click 'Update' Once it has downloaded and installed, click 'Reboot' and you'll be done! Thank you for all of your support! Blue Skies, X-Aviation
  3. Sounds like you had a license check happen (6 months). Sorry, but it's a necessary evil.
  4. The answer is not going to be any different than last time and the discrepancy between fog.
  5. That's peculiar. I think this is the first time I've seen this on an Nvidia card. Can you double check your Nvidia drivers are up to date?
  6. NOAA is obsolete now with 10.5. FSGRW is a matter of personal preference.
  7. Post a screenshot of your X-Plane rendering settings. Fill-rate can absolutely be a factor regardless of available VRAM!
  8. It varies. Right now we are considering some things so it will be out when it is out.
  9. Hi there, Can you also attach your log.txt file from the X-Plane folder? Thanks!
  10. You and I have the exact same GPU. I can load up SMP without much of any consequence. Sounds to me like you're overloading your GPU with other things. That's not OUR fault. There are consequences to every action, Mat.
  11. No, this was based on the assumption the Intel CPU was in use. I missed the Radeon card part (based on Jan's initial response).
  12. No sir. It means the graphics chip inside of your laptop is incapable of properly rendering.
  13. Frank is correct. It's located at the path he specified!
  14. To you, but not to thousands of others. It's not a beta. You're just making a life decision to be an ass in this given moment. Not one thing constructive in your post, so don't bother defending that angle. Remember this moment the next time you're called out and act clueless about your history of responses. In other news, I'm at a flight sim conference right now. I've been approached countless times by people this weekend with people raving about SkyMaxx Pro 3 and IXEG.
  15. This has been covered numerous times now in the forums. You need to re-download RWC.
  16. No need to purchase twice, Andy. I've processed a refund for you.
  17. You're still within the scope of reply time. Thank you for your patience.
  18. Wait...SMP 3.1.2 or 3.2? They both exist, so just clarifying.
  19. As soon as I am back to my desktop I will post images which prove your statement incorrect. It does not matter which PC I am on, the result is the same (and I run extreme on the desktop). Regardless of how you feel things work for you, your computer does not define what may happen on everyone else's or even the majority. I'm not sure how we got on this debate anyhow. You're coming at this from a different angle than the context of this dialogue. The debate was really if SkyMaxx Pro v3 is even capable of producing clouds up to the horizon, and as demonstrated, it IS capable of doing such as of version 3.2 (and much more efficiently, as many customers have reported to us). I absolutely disagree with this. I personally ONLY fly jetliners, especially IXEG. With 3.2, not only are my FPS greatly improved, but the distance for which clouds are drawn is drastically improved. I understand you feel differently, but there has been a HUGE response in kind to what I have said all over social media, in our e-mails, and on a few forums. So, we can easily agree to disagree here. As long as the majority doesn't see if your way I feel comfortably with where we're at and how things are heading.
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