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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Way more complex. Read up on Hosek-Wilkie.
  2. I'm saying you must unzip the zip file with Stuffit.
  3. I understand that. But you still need to do what I said.
  4. Based on what you’re explaining this actually sounds like OS X’s app scrambling. Apple has created a function of OS X Sierra which will prevent files from running properly by “scrambling” the file path code. The intention from Apple’s end was to be a security measure, but some people get hit by this even on honest files that do not contain a virus. As per the documentation found around in our forums, most customers get around this by downloading Stuffit Expander or an alternative free unzip app and unzipping the zip files with this application. The files should work after this.
  5. This guy gets it. Thank you for your sanity.
  6. This topic is about a stupid push notification. The rest is moot. You trying to add more elements is just lunacy. I'll take you on that bet. You're not the only customer that matters, oh Holy one. Your years of boring writing on this can be kept to yourself. It's not going to change anything here, and no matter what you say, you will never have the experience of the market or how the younger crowd of it function in it when it comes to piracy, regardless of what you think. I know more about this subject than you do. I also know how the attempted cracks that came about work. And, I also know our tamper detection mechanisms that report things to us and ultimately lead to piracy crack down on these "cracked" products (which by the way, is old crap...like IXEG 1.0.5 even though they try and label as the latest, or SkyMaxx Pro v3, etc). I'm more than positive I keep a MUCH closer eye of dissection on it than you. Go on, have a read. Enjoy some of the threads about entire X-Plane installs being deleted from pirates too. You want to take the gamble of piracy? Go for it. My point is very simple: You're making LOUD noises about a stupid mouse click. That's amazing, and a total waste of time.
  7. Yes. I can see the "many" that are coming to defend you. Meanwhile in my PM box discussing you.... You're beginning to border on the line of idiocy. Yes, the notification is for the benefit of the customer. Personally? I would rather it not exist and we just do what we want. Ethically? I can't do that. Having worked in this market on an international level for 10 years I know damn well how much people here take their privacy very seriously, ESPECIALLY with licensing and activation. A notification does nothing to prevent piracy. That's dumb. I'm happy to realize you haven't used these products then. They are purposefully riddled with things. Don't mistake or fool yourself into thinking we don't have tamper detection measures. It seems to be that's what you're paying me for at the moment. All the clicks and typing you've made are worth months of single clicks to dismiss the twice monthly message. Dumb. Calling a spade a spade is just the extra value you're getting in this. I'm not going to suck up to you for being over the top. Yep. Evidently you don't own Flight Factor, xEnviro, FJS, or the many other products which utilize online activation. Contrary to you, many others do. I don't want your business given your attitude. Thankfully MANY others have sent in messages of support against you. Quite okay with this decision of yours. And reddit. Feel free to correct the misinformation you're spreading then: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/122730-done-with-x-aviation/&do=findComment&comment=1181723 The mirror will do you wonders. See ya.
  8. The notification system is used for other things. I don't find a single mouse click twice in a month so awful. The alternative is going back to making you write in to us if you need more licenses...seems like quite a few more clicks in my opinion.
  9. That is correct. You may use your mouse to move over to the Gizmo menu on the right side and select "Preferences". Then, de-select to update the license at each sim start. This will now have your license update only every two weeks, and thus the pop up appear only twice a month. Just be aware that you'll need Internet connection in two weeks time if you want to use the product again. The benefit to having it at every sim start is that your license gets re-upped for a two week period without worry each time you launch X-Plane (great for a laptop).
  10. You make zero sense. You tried to state that a notification benefits me. Now you're just talking absolute nonsense. How does it benefit ME? It benefits our customers by letting them know we did not sneak behind their back to call up our server. You have shown me no proof that such a notification somehow benefits me. Thus far it's been a poor argument. Are you living under a rock? Almost any popular X-Plane add on connects to servers for activation. xEnviro even requires an always on connection. A few people in a sea of so many thousands, and most illegitimate people who choose to be spiteful after being caught stealing or sharing with friends. You can't sell me on this. Am I somehow supposed to all of a sudden love you? Equally the same, you're now spouting off troll style, borderline exaggerated BS over multiple forums now. Thanks? It's almost laughable what a huge deal you're making out of a mouse click. And, you refuse to comprehend the reasoning for it. Nope, it will not request your username and password again. It will just auto update the license every two weeks and let you know it did it. God forbid you have to click a notification twice in a month that your license is valid! Give ME a break.
  11. A new installer has been uploaded which should solve this issue.
  12. What I'm asking is if, as you get closer, that triangle happens to be the edge of a mountain. Part of me wonders if this is a "visibility fight".
  13. Actually, one-sided and benefiting me would be connecting to my server behind your back without you knowing. It would also be borderline malicious. Explain to me exactly how this benefits me in any way. This is not a TV. Poor example. But, there are many games I play, even console games, which require me to click 'start' continuously. This is a simple mouse click. Whoop-dee-doo. It's even more whoop-dee-doo because you're in here making a fuss of something you can turn off. Talk about petty! What other X-Plane provider allows you to manage your licenses? A nag implies we are requesting you or forcing you to do something. Neither is the case. Again, you're make something of nothing.
  14. Is there a mountain back there, or what?
  15. So far you are the only one. There have now been thousands of computers activated. Do you realize how petty this actually sounds? You're griping to THIS extent over a notification that you only have to click to dismiss when the simulator loads. Does the X-Plane configuration screen make you this upset too? It's a little over the top, dude. Especially considering you can stop it from doing this every time when you de-select the update at every sim start option.
  16. We do not give you the option to disable the splash screen. The reason you are getting the splash screen ONE TIME at each startup is because the option for allowing the license to automatically update with the server AT SIM START is selected. If you de-select "Automatic License Update at Sim Start" then your license will run out in ~ 14 days and you'll need to activate again. The splash screen serves as a purpose to remind you we "phoned home" without doing it behind your back. Privacy is an important aspect to many of our customers.
  17. Captains, Within the next 48 hours v1.1 of the IXEG 737 Classic will hit the store and be sent out free of charge to all current customers of the IXEG 737 Classic! We know this has been a long awaited release, and we're really looking forward to getting it into your hands! It's been a long road, but we're now confident with a lot of the work that has taken place over the last year that we can get back to making more frequent updates again on this product. Most importantly, here's what to expect in the update: Added TCAS. Just like in the real airplane, it will show various types of traffic (PROX, TA, RA) and the relative altitude, plus voice callouts and visual aids to avoiding RA traffic. The panel should work as the real one, including TA only, ABV/BLW, STBY, etc. Improved EGPWS. This is enhanced over 1.0.7 - the modes (1-5) should work a lot more closely to how the real modes work, including submodes (i.e. 4A, 4B). There is also a terrain-look-ahead feature that will alert when approaching terrain higher than the aircraft. New panel, new switches, new TERRAIN ON light. New INOP label for FO´s terrain display. Opening cargo doors with door annunciators and 3D cargo holds modeled. Eyebrow windows including selectable sunshade panels (select in preferences menu) Opening cockpit door Now showing current active waypoint distance and ETA on EHSI upper corners in MAP and CTR MAP mode Added increase/decrease map range datarefs A multitude of fixes to FMS stability and LNAV drawing and performance Several texture fixes INOP label for the logo lights if winglets fitted Autopilot fixes (autothrust gain, logic of MA buttons, GS arm logic, cleanup of FMA modes in some circumstances, FL CHG pitch behaviour in MACH regime with turbulence) Several rare gizmo crashes fixed for switches and levers Fixes to headings and bearings shown on FIX INFO and LEGS page (now show correct magnetic tracks) Ground power not showing anymore when booting in turnaround state Fixes to default transition altitude not always showing correctly (still just a crude east/west division) Added realistic way to operate approach speeds on APPROACH page Added failure flag to altimeter when not electrically powered Improved EFIS symbology when IRS units not aligned Fuel gauges now show "lbs" when imperial units are selected LNAV tracking accuracy improved (no more offset flying) Ground model "Ninja fix" when using airplane with XP11 (no full XP11 compatibility yet) Solved numerous situations that would cause the FMS to produce soft crashes in the Gizmo console The aircraft may work in X-Plane11, but we do not officially support it and it may not be truly accurate numbers as you would find flight model wise in X-Plane 10. This is just enough to get by and allow your enjoyment in XP 11. Separate XP11 update will be released at a later point. As is always the case, we thank you so very much for being a customer, and for hanging in there with us during this time period. We are confident you will really enjoy this new update!
  18. Could be the crazy folder name you have for X-Plane. Haven't seen this before.
  19. Okay, yes.... If you are experiencing the box not going away...simply click "Update" on the box and all should be well now. I have made an adjustment on the server which it will re-download. Should be solved now!
  20. I believe I have identified the culprit for this and will get back here in just a minute...stay tuned! Sorry guys, it's a new system, so we'll get the kinks worked out.
  21. Hi there, Please send an e-mail to support@x-aviation.com along with an attachment of your Gizmo Log.txt (in your main X-Plane folder).
  22. Hello All, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 4.5 update for SkyMaxx Pro. All customers who have purchased SkyMaxx Pro v4 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase SkyMaxx Pro v4 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 4.5 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original SkyMaxx Pro 4 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: Procedural sky box (based on the Hosek model) to accurately simulate sky colors for any time, place, and weather Improved blending of distant clouds into the sky Cloud draw distance increased by 20% Stutters with high cloud draw area settings reduced More realistic and distinctive representation of “HD cloud puffs” stratiform clouds More variety of cloud shapes and positions New, much-improved cloud textures for “crisp” and “soft” cumulus clouds Added glare effect surrounding the sun Our own ephemeris model, for accurate placement of the sun, moon, stars, and planets at night Accurate moon phases and orientation of the moon Various bug fixes and graphical polish As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
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