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Everything posted by mmerelles

  1. i also had this graphic glitches on the instruments after installing 10.50beta and running xplane for the first time, but problems cleared after a machine reboot. No need to re-install in my case and haven't seen them back. Imac retina 5k AMD M295X running bootcamp W10
  2. 360 is correct. 0 does not exist on aviation. That is why magnetic runway heading is 36 and not 00. That being said i think the issue on right course selector going from 359 to 0 is xplane bug being there for quite while actually. Open a bug to Laminar and contribute for them to fix it.
  3. beautiful very exiting times for xplane
  4. I am having crashes with the ixeg 1.0.7 I thought they were related to xplane beta, but reverted back and crashes are still there. Most of the time crashes happens some time when upon reaching cruise. A Gizmpo popup kicks in for a second and then the desktop. I am still trying to figure out what is going on, never experienced those crashes. Reverted back to 10.45 crashes still there. I realized crashes started after upgrading to 1.0.7 Tested other jetliners and no crashes at all so it is related to 1.0.7 to me, but i am still trying to understand them. If i am unable to figure out it, i will open a new threat (it is not related to beta specifically to me) and all the logs after a crash for the developers helping me to understand this.
  5. Unfortunately several forms of piracy exist and it kills the developers business to succeed. 3 activation slots is one of the unfortunate measures that comes out out this but required trying to control key distribution, etc. You have to contact support to get a key reset -support@x-aviation.com- They have many other tools to know if someone is sharing (to a family or friend) or reselling it. In such case everything is fine they will reset your key. Support time frames are 3 business days as long as i understand.
  6. nice nice nice billon times very nice
  7. VANV SPEED intervention (to command the speed via mcp while in vnav mode) is not supported on this simulated 733 classic avionics. Every aircraft even on same variants may have different avionics releases and updates. While you are descending in VNAV mode the aircraft will follow whatever speeds are on the legs page. You can edit them there by entering on the scratchpad XXX/ + pressing corresponding RSK That being said you have to account the following considerations: -These jets are -very- slippery on nature, they have to be efficient on thrust and fuel burnt after all. They require planning for the descends because you can not slow down them on a dime at high speeds. -Wind descend forecast are not implemented yet (but confirmed to be coming), the fmc calculates the descend profile based on no wind condition. Any tail wind during the flight will put the fmc in trouble to make the aircraft descend under the profile because the fmc did not expect winds pushing the aircraft forward and increasing ground speed. You have to keep monitoring the descend profile on the ND information (vertical diamond indication on the right down ND corner) and applying as much speed brakes as required to help the aircraft stay under speeding control. If you let it overshoot the profile by a big margin you will not recover from this situation easily and a chain of overshoots will follow. Remember the slippery design thing! Applying speed brakes is a standard common technique on real life. Once you have winds forecast in place for the fmc being able to predict a more accurate descend profile you will use them less. But you will still use them. -You have also to consider most of the arrival procedures does not establish any speeding restriction other than the FMC restricting VNAV <250 knots below 10000ft. If you look at the legs page will not see 220 200 180 or whatever, you may see 240 for all of the waypoints. This doesn't mean you can approach 240knots to intercept an ILS or to make the final pattern turns to get the runway aligned. On real life ATC will keep asking you reduce speed to, reduce speed to. And you also have to account for maximum speeds closer to XX NM to the field. Botton line is, if you do not plan your approach having the proper background the STAR procedure will not restrict you necessarily and you will find yourself at ridiculous high speeds closing to the airport. -if you want to control speeding via MCP you have to switch to FLCH or VS mode. hope this helps a bit.
  8. @Eddie as Cameron just said, those are photos taken from the imac screen with the phone camera.
  9. What is your departure / arrival runway / procedures you programmed in? i will try to replicate your issue navigraph released a rev2 for 1607 /ixeg. have you tried latest revision just in case?
  10. see the attached pictures for an easy on/off terrain vs weather selection. if you want to learn how to use tilt, how to read what is being shown on the display you should watch the tutorial video from ixeg.
  11. @Torbjoern @Jeremy Carter @Tobizzle As you know every aircraft has different custom commands, datarefs and also requires different axis sensitivities, augmentation, for getting the best out of it. You also require to set the same buttons on your yoke or keys to different things on a per aircraft basis (i.e. Ap_disc, TOGA, etc) , also the levers are different on a per aircraft basis, when loading a Cessna 172 i use a push/pull TQM throttle from saitek, but when loading a twin jet i use a TQM from Goflight. So i made a lua script that every time you load an aircraft it reads the aircraft icao tag (B733, C172, B721, B722, etc.) and set everything for that aircraft based on profiles of my liking. For fuel cutoff, i use always the same 2 physical switches that comes on the saitek. Based on the aircraft profile i assign them properly to work for FJS737, FF757/767/777, IXEG733, etc For the IXEG in particular this is what i use: ---- IXEG PROFILE create_switch( 467, "ixeg/733/fuel/fuel_start_lever1_act", 0, 1, 0 ) create_switch( 468, "ixeg/733/fuel/fuel_start_lever2_act", 0, 1, 0 ) ----- -467 & 468 = is the id-value xplane assigned to each switch. You know that value by going to joystick & assignment, buttons adv tab and flipping the switches. Xplane display the value on the top left corner -Then you have the dataref you will set the values to. I change the dataref for the right one based on the aircraft i am loading. Profiles. -First value is the index, unless you are modifying an array of datarefs it is always 0 -Second value es the OFF position. I use 1 (on) to the off position because the saitek switches are on when flipped down and off when flipped up. This is opposite how any jet works. You flip up to make the fuel run, you flip down for cutoff. -Third value is the ON position. As said above i use it inverted to be intuitive flipping the switch as per the real aircraft. hope this helps.
  12. amazing stuff!! i need an ipad back sooooooonnnn
  13. @paulferg ok, here i am sharing you the detailed configuration. 1. On the ixeg grodund menu: i set 9 tons of fuel (kgs units) and i set 50 tons (kgs) of ZFW. i really like how this aircraft feels heavily loaded, you actually can feel it. Amazing stuff from ixeg! 2. Please find attached all 8 legs pages after programming the route and removing the 2 initial conditional orders and the vectors. For departure i use RW10 and PALCO6 departure, for arrival i use FLIPR4 with HODGY transition and ILS08R procedure with NO transition selected. 3. For the PERF INIT page i do use 50 tons ZFW, CI 50, Reserves 5, FL340 (we are flying western direction). I am not using any derating, short runway and heavy bird. I am using 15 degree of flaps flaps. See attached the screen captures for those pages. A. upon takeoff i wait for minimal altitude and engage LNAV + CMDA for the A/P start following the magenta. B. 1500 ft AGL (above ground) = 1530 ft on the baro altimeter aprox, i engage VNAV note: on the preferences menu set your CWS deadzone full to the right, this will prevent your joystick sending noise while trying to engage A/P or being on A/P already and disconnecting A/P. Desktop quality yokes tend to do that. I think this covers everything you may need to test. Hope i am not missing to share anything. Remember minimal LNAV & VNAV altitude or they will refuse to engage! Final comments: No, i am not part of the ixeg team, neither x-aviation. I am one of the several people who loves this project and contribute on the forums as much as possible. Yes, they are monitoring all threads and they jump in when required. But they are a small team creating this master piece so it becomes difficult for them to reply every single post within a few minutes. ok, you let me know how it worked for you flight plan: https://skyvector.com/?ll=24.432146698119265,-77.18005370958979&chart=304&zoom=6&fpl=F340%20TIST%20PALCO6%20PALCO%20RTE6%20ROBLL%20Y587%20HARDE%20A555%20EVETS%20HODGY%20FLIPR4%20KMIA
  14. if you mean a persistent ding ding ding ding ding ding... this is the throttles are in forward position and the aircraft is not configured for takeoff yet. Put the throttles back to idle position. if not can you describe what it sounds like? can you make a short video?
  15. @paulferg VECTORS on the legs page means to the FMC to maintain specified heading until further instructions are received from ATC to resume navigation. In other words you can not continue the approach unless ATC tells you what to do. VECTORS may be present on SID as well. If you leave them as is on the plan, when the FMC reaches that you will notice a line to the infinite on the ND and the aircraft flying steady forever, this is exacly what VECTORS order means, keep flying while you receive further instructions what to do next. I presume you are flying offline, you are not going to receive any ATC instruction, so your best action would be pressing the LSK key for the waypoint below VECTORS and then pressing the LSK corresponding to the VECTORS order to replace it and shift the flight plan up, so the FMC continues the approach procedure by its own. that being said leaving VECTORS on the flight plan, does not constitute any issue for VANV to engage. If you are not getting vnav to engage something else is missing. I will re-program the FMC a bit later and share you all pages screen capture for you to compare.
  16. @paulferg A. No, not at all. Conditional orders exist in the real world, and the ixeg FMC has them modeled to be supported. It is not working temporarily because the FMC is an incredible complex piece of software and they keep fine tuning it over the hotfixes. Under the normal PALCO6 procedure -The first order 423A means to the FMC you have to keep flying runway trajectory until you are 423ft or Above ground level before making any turn. -The second order (INTC) means to the FMC you have to fly/intercept as specified on the order. The procedure is just fine, problem is the FMC is somehow misleading it and not being able to follow it. Surely this will be fixed by the developers do not worry. B. I had no problem to engage vnav as well. Did you set your arrival procedure and runway as well? for my test i have chosen FLIPR4 star, HODGY transition as per your flight plan, and chosen ILS08R procedure with no transition. If VNAV is not engaging for you it means you are missing to set something, you are leaving a discontinuity on the plan or something like that. C. You can reinstall the initial zip 1.0, then running the hotfix updater will upgrade you straight up to 1.0.7. If you did not changed anything on your hardware, neither reinstalling the operating system it should not consume part of your 3 activations. Anyway, i do not see why you should reinstall from scratch. This is recomendable when you had a disk failure and corrupted files, or something like that.
  17. Home desktop hardware has cheap potentiometers that keep sending noise/signals to the simulator no matter you are not touching them at all, the problem increases with usage overtime. Anytime during the flight, your flap hardware lever sends a bad/noise signal making the aircraft think you moved the lever, flaps extend, they get ripped due to overspeed and you crash. You can stabilize the aircraft if you are fast enough to react and retract them and landing with no flaps. bottom line: do not use hardware levers for flaps neither speed brakes unless you want to keep crashing mid-flight. Use buttons instead. Flaps up one notch, flaps down one notch. There is a lua script that was released some time ago trying to create detents, ignore noise spikes coming from the potentiometers. I am not using it so i can not comment. You can try. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/30886-flap-axis-detent/
  18. do you use flaps assigned to a hardware lever?
  19. @Tobizzle I am no longer using xjoymap, i do use lua scripts instead. So i can not test for you. But from my knowledge on xjoymap, this is what should work [IXEG733_L_Cutoff] loop = false new_command=733_Lcutoff dataref= ixeg/733/fuel/fuel_start_lever1_act values = 0,1 [IXEG733_R_Cutoff] loop = false new_command=733_Rcutoff dataref= ixeg/733/fuel/fuel_start_lever2_act values = 0,1 hope this helps
  20. ok that is the issue. you have to play an instant replay upon arriving to the gate via Aircraft -> Toggle replay mode. note: saving the flight and loading for replay won't work on this bird!
  21. @paulferg ok i did a small test for you and had the same behavior, i also confirm this is the same behaviour i have seen yesterday trying to recreate another user reporting LNAV not following the magenta after departure. your SID - PALCO6 has 2 conditional orders at first -An altitude turn at 423 ft or Above -An (INTC order) -Then comes PALCO waypoint/transition To fix this for now: once you programed absolutely everything and ready for departure, go back to LEGS page 1, press LSK3 (to select PALCO) then press LSK1 to insert it and shift the entire flight plan up automatically, press EXEC to confirm the mod. Now you can departure and engage LNAV with no problem. note: remember you have to reach 400ft AGL for LNAV to engage, otherwise it won't
  22. sorry, when you say replay: -Are you referring to instant replay? -Or to save a file for a later load and relpay?
  23. have you tried disabling AI? they are ON by default
  24. @paulferg thanks for sharing the info! first thing i noticed on your screen capture is your next active waypoint is an (INTC) order. I have seen this problem before the aircraft not joining the magenta when this order is in place. maybe you are experiencing the same issue/bug here? the developers already know about the other case. We need to wait a bit for them to investigate. Can you please edit your legs page and remove the INTC and set next waypoint PALCO to confirm this fixes your issue? Anyway i will reproduce your flight a bit later when at home to confirm we are having the same behaviour.
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