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    Branford, CT, USA

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  1. I have a system similar to yours. I upgraded to a 660ti from a 5850, which is no slouch of a card. I have much improved performance in graphics and fps.
  2. AW139 at VNPL
  3. http://sundog-soft.com/sds/features/real-time-3d-clouds/
  4. In the product description it says "Aerobatic smoke effect" Is it a noticeable improvement over the built-in smoke effect of XP10? Can someone post pic or video of the smoke?
  5. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50137574n
  6. http://hint.fm/wind/ Continental USA Seems to work best in Chrome browser
  7. http://fswidgets.com/shop/index.php
  8. Who wants to break the news to Aerosoft? "We are currently looking at a full overhaul of our Beaver project. It has been one of our best selling aircraft and it is rather outdated by now. The new one will be for FSX and X-Plane 10." http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php/topic/49253-beaver/
  9. Try using the keyboard short cut to toggle "start/stop" using the "stay" and "keep tracking" options. From the FTNoIR manual: Keyboard shortcuts To influence the facetracker while 'in-game', shortkeys can be defined to: Center view; Stop/Start the tracker; From version 1.5 on the Start/stop shortkey has two extra options, which are active when the state is 'stop' : View: When 'Zero' is checked, view will be reset to '0'. With 'Stay' selected, view will freeze in the current position. Engine Tracker: With 'Stop Engine' checked, the tracker will stop face-tracking in 'stop'. This reduces CPU-load significantly. However, to 'start' again takes time. When 'Keep tracking' is checked the tracker-engine will not stop and 'start' will be much faster.
  10. I have been reading Larry's posts here, at the .org and elsewhere in other forums MSFS related and those for sim flight in general. I appreciate what I feel are his balanced contributions to discussions. His statements qualifying himself as a real world pilot add context to his observations. I don't percieve anything wrong with that in itself or his presentation. I am returning from a long hiatus from flight simming which began in 1986 and broke off with MSFS 98 and Falcon 4. Anyone here an Air Warrior veteran on GEnie playing at $10 an hour on a 24 baud dial-up connection? I recently purchased XP-9, FSX and Rise of Flight. They all are great values for the money considering the engineering that went into them and the enjoyment they provide. I was disappointed when I discovered I couldn't fly XP-9 on my laptop because of an incompatibility issue with Intel graphics boards. What's with that? Never seen that before, ever. I ended up downloading and flying the XP-8.6 demo which for some reason worked fine on the same laptop. FSX worked fine on the Intel card. I recently got an I7 processor laptop. Finally I could use my XP-9. FSX and ROF run pretty smooth on it too. I am holding off on getting into the $ addon collection phase until I see what happens with XP10 and Flight. I will probably buy them both. My preference is for GA, bi-planes, VRF low altitude flying. Just now experimenting with Helicopter flying now that I have a Saitek X52 Pro joystick with combat pedals arriving this week. I could care less about Heavies and VA. Thanks to all who make this community a place to feel good to be apart of. Eagerly awaitng what Austin his crew have been cooking up.
  11. LA, What are these favorites of yours to fly in FSX?
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