Other airliners for X-Plane have had click/drag controls that have been terrible to use and that's maybe why people are crying out for scroll wheel. However, the click/drag on FlyJSim's 727 and 737 is pretty good and shows if you get it right, there is no need for scroll wheel operation. Try setting the altimeter on the 732 Twinjet, it's silky smooth and really easy to get the setting you're aiming for. I fly X-Plane and FSX, and one of many great things about X-Plane is being able to quickly zoom in and out of the cockpit with the scroll wheel, combined with the right mouse button for panning - you can't do that in FSX. Where X-Plane aircraft have implemented scroll wheel support, the end result is when I'm trying to pan and zoom around the cockpit I sometimes grab a scroll wheel control by mistake and end up changing the speed selection or altimeter baro setting when I actually wanted to zoom in to read something. Honestly, having one physical control/movement doing 2 completely different things is really bad HMI design. So, good on IXEG for sticking to their guns, let people try using click/drag and if some people really, really need to have it work like an FSX aircraft then implement scroll wheel support as a switchable option. Also, as my profile photo shows, I've had a quick flight in a 737NG fixed base simulator - trust me, dialling in a big heading change with a quick spin of a mouse scroll wheel like you can in FSX aircraft is not realistic and a scroll wheel doesn't allow the range of movement or accuracy of the knobs in the real thing. My mouse scroll wheel only moves about 9 detents before I have to lift my finger and start again. So, how can I dial in 120 degrees heading change with one movement in the PMDG 777? Well, the answer is I can't. I can try, but I might dial in 107 degrees, or I might dial 144 degrees - I have no way to control how fast the knob turns in response to the scroll wheel. It's nonsense but it's all FSX has to offer. X-Plane is better than that.