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Everything posted by mutestyles

  1. version 10 lax Both are in 1080P Version 9 PHL max res
  2. PAJN to here landing in PANC crj200
  3. 20K over the deck in alaska
  4. SLI capable motherboard. And i have another card but until it does benefit the card and the hardware to set up crossfire shall collect dust. lol
  5. With the ole lady getn a new computer ive been banished to the upstairs hallway for my gaming. Little cramped.
  6. Which version of windows 7 are you running that your 24GB of ram is useless. You running the home version?
  7. mutestyles

    Carenado Announces C185F Skywagon

    I like all of the stuff they have put out. But its time for a twin.
  8. I like the default 747... Cept for the yokes are salmon colored instead of brown
  9. I Looked up the L-410 on wiki. Of all the accidents one caught my eye. Was in 2010 20 people parished 2 survived. Crash was caused by stampeding after a CROCODILE got loose in the plane from the bag it was in causing the passengers to stampede. One human and the croc survived the crash. Rescuers killed the croc. And i thought i heard it all.
  10. Its a great plane at an even better price. Well worth it, just the new things not previously available on x plane such as hafl bank, acutal engine fire warnings among other things
  11. Atl converts nice but it takes some work to get rid of the big grey box
  12. Very cool link
  13. that would be threadjacking lol
  14. When you turn on emergency lights on in the pas cabin you can see the ground below. I use Window version Lights off Lights on
  15. Mine crashed the the XPUIPC xpl in there so i removed it and it works like it did before
  16. when i was talking about ascending descending i wasnt talking about altitudes genius i was talking about the order of the numbers . Ascending and Descending as in numerical values..... you get it
  17. Who knows maybe there is an ascending descending option in the FMS pilots discretion
  18. misrepresentation? I dont recall a adverstisement stating that the CRJ will work on all new and OLD computers lol And the test was to see if the screens would work not to test the performance of your CPU
  19. i just remember in the gaggle of post at the beggining someone said that was crashing the CRJ never the less run the aircraft with only need xpls and it should be fine.
  20. Glad you chose to manipulate knobs. Last i check in real life you dont click a round knob you turn it
  21. if you open the OBJ in a 3d program you can look at the assigned textures and what they go to so you know where to paint if you want
  22. FYI its my callsign at my VA ;D
  23. Lightened up some grime and also some of the grey lines on the base white to make it not so dirty.
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