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Everything posted by rmlangbroek

  1. They should put jan and jonny together (smartcopilot if it's fully working by then). I'll sign up for jumpseat that day!
  2. Ansett Australia VH-CZJ for IXEG B733 View File Newest livery for the Ansett Australia B733 (afaik, aussies correct me if I'm wrong) Submitter rmlangbroek Submitted 04/28/2016 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  3. If you're flying the socal area, get all of misterX6's sceneries. They are awesome! And for sightseeing the bay, i'd take a helicopter or something 'small' Have fun Tony!
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Newest livery for the Ansett Australia B733 (afaik, aussies correct me if I'm wrong)
  5. Ansett Australia VH-CZI for IXEG B733 View File Ansett Australia livery (old) for the IXEG B733 Submitter rmlangbroek Submitted 04/28/2016 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  6. First one, hope you like it Rutger
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Ansett Australia livery (old) for the IXEG B733
  8. You are welcome Tony!
  9. KLM PH-BDH for IXEG B733 View File KLM PH-BDH in the even older livery for the IXEG B733 Submitter rmlangbroek Submitted 04/26/2016 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  10. Yeah just saw this. It's awesome
  11. Lol, it actually is! back to the drawing board " Petrus Plancius ".. Allrighty!
  12. BTW... there should be a name on the nose but I can't read nor find what it should be, so if anyone knows, i'll update (have to admit, I didn't search very hard ) Rutger
  13. Should be in the downloads shortly.
  14. Version 1.0.1


    KLM PH-BDH in the even older livery for the IXEG B733
  15. Work in progress. Need another day because.... baby.... Rutger
  16. Got it mostly done now, but need to check at home on the model itself. Don't think I'm allowed to have a copy of the plane on my laptop when I already have it at home on the desktop (@cameron?) Rutger
  17. Started the older klm one but unfortunately mr baby woke up and then I ran out of time.... At work now but I'll try to finish it at work on my laptop. Shouldn't take too long. No guarantees though! Rutger
  18. If I find some time (haha) I'll make the one with the large cheat line and gray belly (much like the 767 paint I did over at the org.) If anyone else wants to make it, thats ok too Rutger
  19. Hey Tony, how was your first day with your new boeing? Rutger
  20. KLM PH-BDN for IXEG 733 View File KLM PH-BDN livery for the IXEG 733 Submitter rmlangbroek Submitted 04/23/2016 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  21. Version 1.0.0


    KLM PH-BDN livery for the IXEG 733
  22. All good @morten working on a paint in the meanwhile
  23. @jiggyb2 Ah,was asleep, so missed that, great! let's paint
  24. @jiggyb2 Ah,was asleep, so missed that, great! let's paint
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