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  1. Man, this is sad. But ... yes, understandable. SR22 is the only thing which did not work on Linux for me and why I continue to have Windows on my PC.
  2. OpenSUSE Tumbleweed (I suppose it's not what you wanted to hear :-D ). Did you see anything useful in the log so I can try to find a missing dependency or a wrong version of a dependency? Thanks!
  3. bump
  4. This is my favourite part! In a sim I like to stare at those beautiful steampunk panels. Is linux support planned, please?
  5. Hi! I'm trying to run this aircraft in Linux as well (in Windows it works fine), seems to have the same problem with undefined symbol: ASN1_ANY_it I have libcrypto installed, log is attached. Could you help me, please? Log.txt
  6. For me it works best if I grab them from the "bottom" (from the side of the OFF position). The manipulator click-and-drag spots are major pain in many X-Plane aircraft. I didn't have a problem with brakes (apart of tipping over during landing) ... can it be a mist because of wet runway or taxiway? Does the smoke come only from main gears or also from the tail one?
  7. You're right, it doesn't matter on VATSIM. I often take my B722 or B732 to extremely noise sensitive airports on IVAO or PilotEdge and nobody has ever risen an eyebrow. Last year I've even met a guy overflying continental Europe in a Concorde . It's just a computer game anyway - therefore the number one requirement is to have fun . For the default X-Plane FMC, I believe that the answer is unfortunately 'no'. It's very limited in functionality. The SID/STAR procedures are implemented neither in the X-Plane default GPS (not even the new one which came in the 10.30 version) nor the Carenado G1000. You have to use either some kind of "aftermarket" universal FMC* or buy an aircraft which come with one. Flight Factor made aircraft with very complete FMC, though they are not perfect. My personal favourite is their B757 - panel is a mixture of modern stuff and clock-work style of 1980s and FMC is from pre-GPS era so it can lose precision if you fly a long time without signal from DMEs (but within range it will calibrate its position automatically and AFAIK it's legal to fly real-world RNAV with equipment like this). B777 is more modern aircraft with modern systems, however it's Flight Factor's older model and it's noticeable. Just beware that their latest work, Airbus 350, doesn't support SIDs/STARs. Another very popular option is JAR A320, however the FMC is lacking well behind Flight Factor. But it's perfectly usable and if you prefer Airbus over Boeing, it's a way to go. You can also check JRollon's CRJ-200 (here on X-Aviation.com is sold as Take Command! CRJ-200). An older model which looks rather simplistic compared to above mentioned aircraft, but with hands-down the best manual. It's probably the only aircraft manual which is fun to read . * Popular universal FMCs are X-FMC (freeware plugin, universal FMC with Boeing-style CDU), iFMS (again Boeing-style, but stand-alone for Android or iOS devices), AirFMC (standalone iOS; many people like it but I don't have any iOS device so I haven't used it) or UFMC (payware plugin, better than X-FMC in many aspects but quite intrusive). Another way of VATSIM flying is to file a flight plan with equipment code /A (or /W if you want to fly above FL290). Then you don't need any FMC and it's more fun [redneck smile] .
  8. Hello, for more clarity I put numbers into your picture, see attachment 1. VOR 2. RNAV navigation point, must overfly 3. RNAV navigation point, don't have to overfly (you can "cut corner" a little bit) 4. Noise measurment equipment (if you are a little loud, you're in a big trouble) You probably mean the one which I labelled as 4. It's a noise measuring station - see noise abatement procedures for the airport. The're usually in a separate chapter of the airport information, don't know if the Austrian VACC published them. But the AustroControl (the real-world controlling agency) did, they're freely available - see page 2-26 of this document: http://eaip.austrocontrol.at/lo/151113/PART_3/AD_2/PRI/AD_2_LOWW/LO_AD_2_LOWW_en.pdf .
  9. You can use a free web proxy on hidemyass.com https://2.hidemyass.com/ip-2/encoded/Oi8vZm9ydW1zLngtcGxhbmUub3JnLw%3D%3D&f=norefer It's slow but it does its job
  10. Starting on page 38 there are charts for specific conditions. I assumed the conditions for table on page 32 was the same as for the chart on 38 etc. But I can be wrong.
  11. See the N number http://www.airliners.net/photo/Air-Ostrava/Saab-340A/0840571/L/
  12. Quite a pity that the subtitles are in Russian. I can read most of the alphabet but don't speak that language .
  13. They should continue L-410. According to their website (it's also available in English (and Russian) - http://www.let.cz/clanek_277_modernizace-letounu-l410.html?lang=2) a new generation of L-410 is planned, designated as NG. The L-410 fansite (sorry, it's only in Czech http://www.l410.cz/wp/historie/l410uvp-e-l420 ) states that L-420 is just a variant of L-410 and only 2 pieces were manufactured - they fly in Africa. But anything we can do now is ... well ... hope . Let Kunovice is a copybook example how not to privatize a public-owned company. It surprised me they survived the transform from centralized and planned economy.
  14. Nice! Looking forward to it! Not that I would like the "soviet-style" cockpit, but this aircraft was built in my country (and there are rumors that the production is not over - :-) ) so I'll be one of the first buyers. BTW see the tail number of the aircraft in the video - OK-LEK. "Lek" in Czech language is an interjection for being scared :-D .
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