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jgniewkowski last won the day on May 7 2021

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  1. That was it! Thanks again @Ben Russell!!
  2. OI'll give it a go when I get home, thanks mate!
  3. @Ben Russell Is that redistributal required for Windows 11 as well? I am having the same problem (Gizmo not loading) and I woke up with the thought that it is probably a missing redistributal file after doing a clean upgrade of Windows 11.
  4. I had this problem with another aircraft and I ended up having to update the Gizmo application that runs with many of x-aviations products. I am using version WINDOWS (go to the x-plane plugins menu and select Gizmo64 -> About Gizmo
  5. The AIR COND master caution comes on while you are at a relatively high altitude and you bring your throttles back to flight idle. I believe the engines, at that point, are not providing enough pressurized bleed air to feed the system. To brighten the throttles up a bit to have the caution light extinguish. One of the flight displays has the OAT - there is not a physical gauge.
  6. Works perfectly!
  7. On the performance report I only get "Ramp Weight - Normal" everything else during the flight reports "Not Available" Is there something I am doing wrong? Edit - just noticed I am using igoconnect 2.41.3 not .5 - I will update to see if that fixes the issue (also using the new version of the Saab - so I am certain this is it…)
  8. @Nandopiloto1985 and @amarob, you guys have probably found this already...
  9. And zero is the bottom of the green area?
  10. They came over fine - thanks @N1K!
  11. Was watching a video by Reflected Reality Simulations and he had some beautiful take off data cards. Any ideas on where they can be found?
  12. It's not the hot fix. I flew 2 flights at 6000' today with no issues. It's probably the weather...
  13. @Pastrong See this topic
  14. @Robster See this topic
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