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Everything posted by giacer

  1. inside Gizmo folder is called OpenAL32.dll, but no issue @meshboy How did you install 2° 737 ? If you did copy and paste, maybe you dragged this error with you from your other computer
  2. only difference I have seen You Me Don't take it for granted, it might make sense, it' only an input. OpenAL might crash the sim
  3. I had never seen this before, it basically gives you a plugin error without naming it ...it's hard Are you sure it is related to this aircraft, have you tried with a default aircraft?
  4. Yes the same concept, I have both levers on toggle thrust reversers but I think works #1...#2 also
  5. I don't know with Bravo throttle, but I have this with Pro Flight Quadrant.
  6. Probably in a couple of weeks, someone will have another question about the 717.
  7. It seems to be an fmod problem, maybe the cause of the crashes comes from xnavmap, which is from x-craft.
  8. Visually yes, never tried if they really work, I like the sea and the heat
  9. Hi, maybe this is not the problem, but renaming the folder could create strange problems Rename X-plane folder X-Plane 12.09 to X-Plane 12 I meaning from log You have Try default also check if you have this folder /Resources/plugins/X-Aviation/ Good luck
  10. Hi there, only few thing however I have found from log this typo inside BN-2T Islander.snd Quote 0:00:04.065 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/TorqueSim BN-2T Islanders/TorqueSim BN-2T Turbine Islander/fmod/BN-2T Islander.snd line 1231 0:00:04.065 E/SOUN: The sound event event:/switches/METALSW_08 has an invalid command trigger afm/islander/cmd/climate/vent_Toggle 0:00:04.065 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/TorqueSim BN-2T Islanders/TorqueSim BN-2T Turbine Islander/fmod/BN-2T Islander.snd line 1261 0:00:04.065 E/SOUN: The sound event event:/switches/METALSW_02 has an invalid command trigger afm/islander/cmd/lights/util_R_Toggle Remove "_" character from "vent_Toggle" and remove space characters after Toggle: "afm/islander/cmd/climate/vent_Toggle " Must be : "afm/islander/cmd/climate/ventToggle" Remove space characters after Toggle : "afm/islander/cmd/lights/util_R_Toggle " Must be : "afm/islander/cmd/lights/util_R_Toggle" Same thing for the others .smd
  11. Put your headphones
  12. Hi, your error made me curious for two reasons 1- You really don’t need to start x-plane as admim and it is not recommended by Laminar 2- Your errore is not related to the acf --=={This application has crashed! }==--- (Art controls are modified.) 1- check privilege and or if antivirus/firewall block for any reason the sim 2- if you have any active tweak programs (riva tuner, GPU tweak, etc.), or shaders, those can cause this type of crashes.
  13. Hi, there are some plugins that can put the chocks to the wheels, for example, Simple Ground Equipment & Services do this job, if you don't remove there is no way to move
  14. Successful migration, thanks! I hope that others will do the same soon
  15. It works with the beta, but I had a similar experience. Try to temporary move out all plugins except GIZMO and restart X-plane, maybe works.
  16. +1 try this XPUIPC Download Page (schiratti.com) maybe you encounter an error with this version of XPUIPC for other things. Let us know if it works
  17. I haven't reported it yet, but I can confirm that it manifested even before the beta. To temporarily restore FMC, just tap on the left menu or gizmo menu Then the problem comes back. I always fly always with Zink, I think Zink is the problem
  18. Hi, reading only one part of the log is always a challenge! However this error is related to an airfoil that is missing. There are two possible reasons for it: a plane that you use , or one that was flown by AI. If you are using AI, verify the type of aircraft used
  19. Are you sure the cruising altitude on the X-Plane flight plan is the same as the 650?
  20. I read about this problem, It is not my intention to give false hope, perhaps it's a fluke I have other planes in my FBO. It's been a while since I used 733. I can't say when or why it stopped working, for some reason I've joined the club of this authentication error, never had before. I tried to uninstall everything, including remove gizmo plugin but nothing to do, reinstalled IXEG and nothing to do Then I've removed all plugins, also a new scenery plugin (openSAM) starting X-Plane 12 with the c172 then I've logged to Gizmo and then opened IXEG and all gone well! If my success is not accidental, and who has this problem solve it with this, you can figure out which plugin among them was the problem. good luck
  21. Hi and welcome, From your log, it appears that you have installed multiple add-ons! example, this lacks dependencies with some Windows libraries, but actually that plugin is old and not recommended for XP12. To identify which plugin is causing problems, it's important to remove everything (except GIZMO) from the plugins folder and try each one one at a time
  22. I haven't intended to defend their decision or give a response against you. As both a customer and an entrepreneur, I want to make a point of view. Having two similar but not equal products can lead to slow development in the new product. After paying for the product, would you like to receive support? YES The development of the new version is slowed down, which results in buyers complaining. NO Then You agree to purchase it without any assistance? YES Surely, sooner or later, someone will complain about something doesn't work well that causes damage to reputation.
  23. System RequirementsSimulator: X-Plane 12. Not compatible with X-Plane 11.Operating Systems: MacOS 12+ (at least Monterey) or Windows 10+Recommended: Modern CPU with 4+ Cores (3 GHz+), 16+ GB RAM, NVIDIA or AMD with 4+ GB VRAM. Simple, not sold, not supported, I doubt they sell it secretly. If it's not listed on the site, it's nowhere to be found.
  24. This is with modern And this with ixeg DC3.log Log.txt
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