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Everything posted by whiskeyportal

  1. Stunning!
  2. Thanks for the update, I don't mind waiting a bit longer for you guys to iron it out.
  3. I got myself a Garmin 696 the other day and I'm wondering how I use it with X-Plane. I was reading over on the org about the 496 and they were saying i needed a plugin in order to make it work correctly. Does anyone here use a RW GPS with X-Plane and if so, how did you get it to work? Thanks for looking -Morgan
  4. I'm wondering if we could get some performance info when the info becomes available to get this added into FSEconomy. Could any of the developers give us this info when they can? Number of seats (including the pilot's seat) Empty weight (in kilograms) Max takeoff weight (in kilograms) Cruise speed (not max speed; indicate in knots per hour) Fuel Consumption (Gallons per Hour) Fuel burn in normal cruise flight Fuel capacities (in gallons for each tank – left, center, right, aux, tip tanks, etc) Thanks
  5. That looks amazing! I'm seriously pumped for this plane. She's so pretty.
  6. LOL, of course, I love all the developers on this site!
  7. If you mean a Float version, it's in the works I love you.
  8. still no mention of seasonal textures though........
  9. Bush version?
  10. WOW! That thing looks like a blast to fly!
  11. Wow! Debit card is locked and loaded.
  12. No, I fly FSEconomy, and when I'm on VATSIM I stick to GA aircraft. Unicomm is text only for X-Plane, FS9 and FSX get voice on unicomm. When you're in the pattern it's a pain in the ass to type your location as you're turning left downwind, ect. Yes I could use TS, but what's the point in that if everyone isn't on the same TS server, besides, my airplane has radios so why would I use TS? From what I've read PilotEdge has fixed this, but I don't fly where their controllers are when they're up. When PilotEdge is fully up I may switch to that.
  13. I like VATSIM, i switched over from FSX and have friends that still fly FSX and I like to fly with them, plus I jump around in the world alot and like to fly with ATC. IMO VATSIM is the best as far as traffic and controllers go. I HATE XsquawkBox in the fact that I can't talk via unicomm or a private channel like I could with FSInn.
  14. Where's the decent one? I have the Heinz one, and the JCS one. I assure you these are not decent, unless of course you like generic 3D cockpits.
  15. Thanks for the quick reply. I bought REX the day it came out, and have had both boxes checked the entire time, lol.
  16. Hate to dig up an old topic, but after reading this topic looking for my answer I'm more confused than when I started. 1.Is this how my weather settings IN SIM should look like to be using REX weather? 2.If both boxes are checked is it NOT using REX?
  17. I'm really hoping for seasons. It's pretty silly that one has to manually change the seasons. And how about some default airport objects. And maybe directional lighting at airports.
  18. I'm excited about being able to see more than 20 miles at altitude, that always really bothered me
  19. WOW!
  20. I agree with Xflyboy, it's a d/l purchase. 99% of d/l purchases have you log in so if something happens you can redownload your purchase at no cost. Too bad it wasn't backed-up, @#$t happens and it's not cool that you had to pay to re-download something you had already purchased and had showing as a purchase on your account.
  21. Oh ok, I have that on my iPhone 4. I've never been able to get it to work correctly though
  22. Can't wait to take her for a flight!
  23. What program is that moving map you have running on the laptop?
  24. Been flying the Turbo Goose mostly since it was added to FSEconomy Did this paint for my charter company
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