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  1. Yep, it was AH2. Many thanks for the heads up.
  2. no, below are the only plugins I currently have installed.
  3. Hi all, is there a way to stop the double callouts of altitudes upon landing. In the TBM I have the g1000 callouts, like minimum etc, but then also the airline style callouts including 50, 40, 30 etc. I guess that's maybe from another plugin? Only relevant plugins I have are x-camera and headshake Thanks for any advice. Roland
  4. Hello there, when i switched from the tbm to the saab xplane crashed and now I am unable to activate any x-aviation plane. What could be the problem? Regards, Roland Edit: working again after reboot and de-install xcpl plugin Log.txt
  5. Pull to manually set speed, instead of by mcp
  6. Right click the installer, goto compatibility settings. Select disable dpi scaling done by system in the pulldown box. This is on w10 btw
  7. Where is the facepalm emoticon?
  8. Hi there, not sure if this warrents a ticket. I am going to change my OS SSD for a bigger one, this means changing my HW. Where can I see how many activations I have left? Or can anyone tell me? What to do if none are left? regards, Roland
  9. Why dont you wingflex guys go do some more manual raw data departures and approaches. I bet you wont miss the lack of wingflex lol
  10. If i used them all up i plan to contact xa before the de install / re install. See where they stand and then act accordingly. Maybe that is an idea for you next time.
  11. hi Jürgen, from what OPS stuff I read, you want to be at (no lower preferably) 50 ft over the threshold of the rwy, then at 20 ft thrust idle and when youget the "whoa shit" feeling you "break" by pulling the nose up a few degrees. No real flaring like in light aircraft or gliders is done. If you nail it, when you break the ground effect helps and you get very smooth landings. This feels very rewarding as in real life. (landings are the best part of the flight imho.) ofc, im no expert with 0 time on seats that matter in the real 737 -roland
  12. No worries. This is normal. It auto reactivates after 180 days.
  13. disregard the 5 year joke that was directed at x-ivap development. Didnt realise this light thing was even an ixeg issue.
  14. 2 bad "soon" could also mean 5+ years in flight simming ;). Lets hope not.
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