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Everything posted by gcharrie

  1. Thanks a lot ! Just have to copy the generated file to the coroute folder. it seems that from PFPX we can't change the destination folder for the Aerosoft Airbus Export (to change to the coroute one)
  2. Hello, I use PFPX to generate my flightplans : is there a way to generate the correct *.FPL (co route filght plan) from PFPX ? Or at least, have the line that I just have to put in the file. Thks Guillaume
  3. thanks a lot !!!! You are perfect guys :-) : plane, support, update (quick and easy uppdate)....
  4. Have you tried to set the Background light (the one behind the captain yoke, next to Panel light) to MAX (at night of course) ? Nice effect... small detail that make a great aircraft :-)
  5. hi, with the same idea, would it be possible to fade more the distant clouds (the ones that are at the limit of the visible range) ? I mean, the clouds coverage stops abrutbly at, says 50 kms (limit of the cloud coverage), which is not very nice looking. Beyond that we have no clouds. (this is normal otherwise our GPU will burn :-) ) Do you think that making the clouds at the edge of the cloud coverage , more 'tranparent' would be nice (and technically possible) ? For example, clouds (or cells) from 0 km to 50 would be drawn as today, the ones from 50km to 60km, a bit more transparent (or having more color from distant fog or colors), and the ones at the edge, says 75km, more transparent.... (hope my question is clear :-) )
  6. For information, I updated both thunderbird and my nvidia driver to the latest versions and my fps drop seems to have disapeared. I will confirm this with more flights (I didn't take time to check if it was thunderbird or the driver version that caused issue but my thunderbird version was old). I could do a full nice flight with SMP and RWC ! PeterR, thanks for your advices and I will check Chrome too.
  7. update : this evening, when I restarted x-plane to start to play, I had only few FPS.... bad :-( If you read my previous post, I was happy this morning because I had very good fps after rebooting.... Well, after some tests, I could figure out why : Thunderbird (the mail program) was open. Yes, you read well !!! I'm running on windows 7 in windowed mode and even when Thunderbird is reduced in the task bar, my fps is bad (VRAM from SMP is still 1100Mb with or without Thunderbird open). See attached images : one is with thunderbird on (1.6 FPS) and one off (20fps) with always 25% of free vram. This clearly shows that even with some amount of free VRAM, FPS can be very bad (here because of external program). So : close all your not needed program ! Don't have a look at your e-mail when flying So, why is this happenning ? Thunderbird seems to block something with the GPU. Can someone try to reproduce this issue ? I have : thunderbird 38.7.2 - windows 7 64b - NVIDIA 355.82 (I will try with the latest drivers and version of thunderbird if a newer one exists) Log.txt
  8. I posted a topic on the SMP forum (here) saying that when increasing my cloud view distance, my FPS drop... until I reboot my computer (using RWC too with a gtx 980 4G ram). Have you tried REBOOTING your PC just after changing the SMP settings ? I go from less than 15 FPS to 25 / 30 FPS
  9. I noticed several times that increasing the cloud view distance in 3.1, the FPS dropped a lot : - increase the 'Cloud area covered' from default to 10 000 or max. - Clic on 'Apply'. It takes very long .... just wait few minutes (I sometimes had nvidia crash) - when modification is applyed your FPS is horrible (10 FPS instead of 25 for example) - stop x-plane and reboot your PC - reload same plane, weather, same airport, my FPS is 25 or even 30 (back to good value with Cloud Area covered to max). This topic is just to give advice to people having bad perfs with high cloud distance : try reboting your PC notes : - as seen in another post by sundog this morning (edit : the post : here), I deactivated hd mesh. My free VRAM went from 600 to 1500M (out of 4G on a GTX 980). So yes I can run with high cloud distance with good FPS... after rebooting... (needed even after deactivating hd mesh) - the need to reboot may be because of vram fragmentation, skymaxx bug ?, my nvidia driver or configuration... I had no time to do more test. Guillaume
  10. +1 We know they are working hard on the plane to release it. Nothing more to say. Just wait and fly on another plane in x-plane or play another game... If you have other area of interest in life, so go out and enjoy real life...
  11. agree with the 2 previous posts : A bug free is my number one feature ! :-) (or : as few bugs as possible, of course) Opening doors are my number 2 as it adds nice touch at the beginning and end of flight.
  12. Hi, to be sure I understand correctly : does ther traffic work only on the airports listed on the website ? I mean : if I go on a not listed airport today, the plugin won't generate traffic even if ATC taxi routes are defined. Is it right ?
  13. Hi, 1. I'm not in front of x-plane now, but I think that in the local map you have an option to put your plane at 3NM (in the upper left ?). So start your flight at an airport, start the engines with the autostart option, then go to local map to use this option. Guillaume
  14. No worries :-) Thank you for having a look at this.
  15. Hi, Same for me. I sent a mail to the the skymax support 2 days ago about this (but still no answer at the moment). I got this issue with SMP 1.3.2 : with a stratus layer and the overcast layer quality set to low in SPM : sky is completely clear ! With quality set to medium I just get some cumulus. When I uninstall and revert back to 1.3.1 I don't have the issue any more. My specs : windows 7 64b, nvidia 334.89. I did a full clean install of xp (new copy in parallel of my existing install), updated to 10.25, install only SMP 1.3.2 on it, xp and spm with default settings : I got the issue too. Guillaume
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