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  1. This was also reported here: No zink here, i have a gtx1060 and with 1920x1080. Regional settings bug? (because "," vs ".")
  2. About throttles, you should disable the xuipc or use an old version of it.
  3. this HDG M in green is normal? it overlap the heading number? With other ND/HSI modes it have the same saying TRK M The "M" from TRK annd HDG should go to the right side of heading number! Thank You!
  4. Same here, i have the sounds around the aircraft, like environemennt and other AI arcraft but not sound from switches and knobs. Edit: After restart of xp12 now its all ok!!!!
  5. The dc3.log are inside the folder of aircraft in the folder resources/data.
  6. I discovered an walkaround: After i load the C172 (before load the DC3) i use pause, then load DC3 and after see the cockpit i unpause and then its all fine!!!
  7. I discovered the guilty that make it crash/freeze. RealityXP plugins I have the GNS 530/430 and the GTN 750/650, when i remove them the aircraft loads well, when i open the DC3 after the C172 with the rxp plugins installed, the aircraft load and a micro second after it flips around/upsidedown (like roll +120º to the right) and crash freeze the simulator. So, something is not going well between LES DC3 and RXP I have the lastest GNS and GTN plugins and xp12.06r3. Other aircraft with GTN works well! Thank You!
  8. When i press the "Activate State"on DC3 pulldown menu on the top menu it reloads and crash again...
  9. Thanks Cameron, I tried without 3rd party plugins and it loaded ok, now i will try to isolate one by one and see who is the guilt plugin, if i discover him, i will report here.
  10. Hello, I can´t load other aircraft except the DC3, they open the cockpit but instantly freeze after it. Thanks in advance Log.txt DC3.log
  11. Thanks about this DC3, it looks amazing and i will buy it tmw when available. Can we have access to a paintkit for it? Thank You!!!
  12. Hello, I tested the v2.0 version on XP12 of BN-2B and BN-2T and both have this bug/lack of a feature where i can't test the notification lights. I press the button to test all the lights and they not light up. Battery and generators were on, engines running etc. And some lights on like the Anti-Icing On, but sadly the small round button not test all the lights. Thanks
  13. Hello, I bought it today and the download says 2.1.0, this version is already the v12 ? Can i install it on v12? Thank You so much! Best regards
  14. Hi Goran, If i understood correctly in a soon future patch the CL config system will be changed a little? I'm looking forward to that because i'm using a CH TQ and i have much difficult to it detect my axis on CH TQ. I have many josticks and wheels connected to my PC and this CL config system strangely only detect axis=0 or a wrong one. Best regards
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