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reincarnate last won the day on March 30 2016

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  1. Indeed. I spent so much money on P3D and the 737 NG and didnt touch it again after the Classic in Xplane.
  2. I had 3 Downloads and I tried 2 times... Im really gonna get mad at Cameron If my last download doesnt work.
  3. DOWNLOAD! EDIT: Ok... Doesnt work lol But atleast I could pay
  4. We just have to be geduldig. Was are schon these paar minutes im Vergleich zu all the years we waited.
  5. Warning: mysqli_connect(): (42000/1203): User xaviat_root already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/xaviat/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/database.php on line 20 Unable to connect to database server! LoL I saw a moment ago that the notification really disappeared.
  6. It was. For a second.
  7. So I´m getting the Classic after breakfast here in Germany. Nice.
  8. Since my internet connection is really slow, could you tell me the file size the installer needs to download?
  9. My experience in XPlane with every aircraft is that the plane comes to an instant stop when you roll very slow. It doesnt feel and look smooth.
  10. They just keep posting pics of their DC6 on facebook
  11. I´m totally fine with the Gizmo message appearing cause I don´t use VNAV at all
  12. Maybe we´re even pushing the release further away?! I don´t know if the IXEG team is "supporting" this forum in their free time? I couldn´t sleep if I know that tkyler is reading this instead of polishing the FMC code lol
  13. Please tell me it's a joke lol
  14. This topic wasn't worth creating it. Discussion about the price of a product that isn't even released.
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