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Everything posted by jimbim

  1. Thank you very much dr_nerdrage! Than another case where it works as designed :-) Sebastian
  2. Hello together, I am wondering if the transponder works correctly. Unfortunately I was not able to find any documentation for that specific transponder panel in the IXEG. What does the position 'AUTO' of knob #2 mean? Is it ON and TRANSMITTING using either Transponder 1 or 2 (automatically)? If that is the case, the dataref 'sim/cockpit/radios/transponder_mode' would have the wrong state. It should be set to 2 and not to 1. From the specification, the transponder_mode dataref has four states: (off=0,stdby=1,on=2,test=3) I would also prefer to have have this knob initialized to position 'STBY' or knob #1 in position 'OFF'. That avoids people (like me) Connection to VATSIM with a transmitting Transponder :-) Everything else works great. If I turn knob #1 to 'OFF' the dataref gets 0. Knob#2 at position 'ON' sets it to 2. OK, you could set the dataref to 3 during the test but I think none of the exitsing Network clients (VATSIM, IVAO, ...) supports this state. Maybe I am totally wrong :-) Just a thought. Greetings, Sebastian
  3. I thought so. Thank you for linking the answer mgeiss! Sebastian
  4. Noticed this as well and was not sure if this is intended to show only the ADF needles... Sebastian
  5. I had this behaviour one time as well. I thought I did something wrong... Sebastian
  6. That SOUNDS great :-) Sebastian
  7. Hey Jan! I removed now everything except Gizmo and nothing has changed. The first callout I get is "one thousand" and no minimums. But I can tell you that "TRAFFIC! TRAFFIC!" is working :-) After disabling XSquawkBox I had 19 Cessnas around TXKF :-p Greetings, Sebastian
  8. I will try that tonight or at least tomorrow evening... Cheers, Sebastian
  9. Sure! I tested yesterday before my first flight if SoundMaxx works and at least all the error messages in the logs are gone. Then I disabled it for my first flight with 1.03. Another thing I noticed is that I have now the "Bell" sound from Autogate plugin again. Sebastian
  10. Hello Jan, I tried it twice with a complete restart of X-Plane in between. The first Sound I hear is "One thousand" the next one "Two hundred". I am missing the 2500 and Minimums @260ft. No Idea. But the frames there are great :-) About 110 :-) Greetings, Sebastian
  11. No, I don't own a soundblaster x-fi. No additional Soundsoftware at all...
  12. I think that already happened... Otherwise, I would be on board as well :-)
  13. I will do everything that helps you solving bugs :-) Will come back on that topic tonight. Sebastian
  14. I would never have noticed it if you didn't report it :-) Now I don't like switching on the PAX signs :-) Sebastian
  15. Did my first flight yesterday and can confirm that these two sounds are missing for me as well. Greetings, Sebastian
  16. This was fixed in 1.03. Topic can be closed, moved or deleted :-) Cheers, Sebastian
  17. Just make a backup of your IXEG folder before updating it :-) Sebastian
  18. I think that yould be linked to that topic: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/9751-speed-brake-wont-deploy/?do=findComment&comment=100311 Sebastian
  19. Hello, I just followed the Pilot Quick Reference Handbook and think the Flight Recorder Test does not work correctly. The QRH says: I have Ground Power applied but when I pace the switch to TEST, the "OFF" light does not extinguish. Greetings, Sebastian
  20. I think they will create an update just for you within the next few seconds... :-) Greetings, Sebastian
  21. Hello together, I was wondering why my Saitek radio panels work perfectly for NAV 1 but not for NAV 2. If I change the NAV 2 frequency on my Saitek radio panel, the frequency does not changed in the IXEG NAV 2 panel. So I took a closer look on the datarefs and what is happening in the background and found a difference on updating values for NAV 1 and 2. I set NAV 1 & NAV 2 in the IXEG Cockpit to frequency 111.50 On the datarefs I can see following situation. sim/cockpit/radios/nav1_freq_hz = 11150 ixeg/733/radios/radios_nav1_00001 = 11150. ixeg/733/radios/radios_nav1_00010 = 1115. ixeg/733/radios/radios_nav1_00100 = 111. ixeg/733/radios/radios_nav1_01000 = 11. Then I changed the dataref sim/cockpit/radios/nav1_freq_hz to 11365. Everything is fine and the frequency in the NAV 1 panel of the IXEG gets updated to 113.65 The datarefs show exactly that change: sim/cockpit/radios/nav1_freq_hz = 11365 ixeg/733/radios/radios_nav1_00001 = 11365. ixeg/733/radios/radios_nav1_00010 = 1136. ixeg/733/radios/radios_nav1_00100 = 113. ixeg/733/radios/radios_nav1_01000 = 11. Then I did the same For NAV 2 (sim/cockpit/radios/nav2_freq_hz). However, the NAV 2 panel of the IXEG does not change. It stays at 111.50 If you take a closer look on the datarefs, you can see that the IXEG internals were not updated automatically: sim/cockpit/radios/nav2_freq_hz = 11365 ixeg/733/radios/radios_nav2_00001 = 11150. ixeg/733/radios/radios_nav2_00010 = 1115. ixeg/733/radios/radios_nav2_00100 = 111. For me, it looks like there is a different logic behind NAV 1 and NAV 2 that causes the problem with the saitek panels. Maybe I am totally wrong but maybe you can have a look at it. It is not a priority for sure. However, it would be nice if you could add this to your list of things that need some attention :-) Many thanks in advance, Sebastian
  22. Hmmm... Now I have to recreate it again :-)
  23. Great! Thank you!
  24. I am wondering if NavDataPro will be ready on Saturday. Today, there is no IXEG 737-300 listed. For this reason, I played a little bit with the base_ini.xml file of Navdata Pro and added the IXEG myself using the information I found on this forum. No idea if it will work or not :-) <!-- IXEG 737-300 --> <name>IXEG 737-300</name> <dataset>Level-D</dataset> <product_path>$SimPath</product_path> <install_path>$ProductPath\fmc_data</install_path> <cycle_info_path>$ProductPath\fmc_data</cycle_info_path> <category>X-Plane 10</category> At least, I can see something now :-) At the end, I hope Aerosoft will come up with a newer Version of NavDataPro that supports the IXEG before saturday. best regards, Sebastian
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