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Everything posted by trevg

  1. V2 with micro stutters, fix for me. Revert back to 337.88 Nvidia driver from 340.52. Another find was to turn off the water reflections in XPlane render options. That got rid of 2 sets of shadows over the water.. btw Love version 2
  2. After updating to the latest I get a CTD tonight. GLSL Pixel Shader rerun installer or update graphics driver Resources/shader/terrain_vert.glsl Resources/shader/terrain_frag.glsl (ogl_shader.cpp:610) From the X-Plane log on my flying machine. Anything to do with the update ?
  3. Another strange combo, I use Go Flight panels except with the Sabb as they don't work. For the second time I couldn't get the AP on. I checked everything 3 times. Last night I turned the avionics switch on, presto, AP works...........
  4. Well done AJ. Congrats on your landing skills, It shows the undercarriage working really well, good work by the team on this plane. btw, winds were not extreeme, just normal. I have had worse in real life many times there as well as a few diverts.. Cheers
  5. http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/9708899/Wanaka-airshows-DC3-has-seen-a-lot-of-history Might be of interest to some of the die hards
  6. AJ, While you are in NZ. Get your weather right ie: Nor wester 45 knots gusting 70 and see how you land on a typical day at NZWN, RWY 34. After a few overshoots like the real blokes track down some videos of how they don't succeed.
  7. I have only used the wheel version 64 bit. I actually did the alteration in plane maker in post further up and it worked ok for me both on grass and seal. Maybe not the best solution but at least I can get across the grass now.
  8. Thanks John. It has made flying in XP so much better.
  9. Understood so far, if you had one slider. Having 2 sliders, does the Min slider set to full left equal smaller number of clouds and the max set to the full right equal thicker clouds ??
  10. I would prefer to have the choice of on or off If the shadows were implemented in the future. Also shadows over the oceans as in the real world thanks.
  11. Thanks Goran for your reply. I would rather have a fix from you than try to fix with above, having no knowledge of plane maker Yes I do tend to use the old DC 3 with old strips (normally Grass) Regards
  12. Old one but still have this problem. It was going to be looked at, is it in the too hard basket ?? Hoping on small reduction in grass friction in the update. Having great fun with this aircraft, low and slow and with the new mesh, wow. Cheers
  13. Thanks for that update Andeas. Enjoy your California trip, a lot to see and do, 3 weeks is not enough.. Cheers
  14. Any further update on ZK-AMY. Now I have the DC3, looking forward to using it around home.
  15. Only operate 64 bit, have been longing for this to be released. Miss my old MAMM DC3 from way back... 1st aircraft I ever flew in, bring back the good old days......
  16. Is there any other way to have the checklists various aircraft have. To operate like a note pad drop down list ??
  17. Same battle I have just been thru. Couldn't get the validation email. Sent an email to there admin and asked them to validate manually for me, no reply but I got validated ok and access now. 4 days later I got a pile of validation emails dated days that I had asked for revalidation within an hour of each other. Got here in the end
  18. Thanks very much Flo. Thats the info I were looking for. So many options to try and you don't really know if its the card setting or the programme you are running that needs the adjustment. Looking forward to flying, awaiting the arrival of disks. Been flying since flying was invented on the PC Regards Trevor
  19. Nvidia inspector is a tool for setting up your video card basically. Better than Nvidia's own control panel. Nothing to do with the computer specs, except for what I have already stated. It allows o\clocking vid card and various aa settings etc. If anyone is using this could you tell me if to just accept the default X-Plane settings that comes with Inspector or alter some of the AA and Texture Filtering options?? I could try different settings but I would actually rather get X-Plane up and running properly than mess around with settings for a couple of weeks I would consider setting the card correctly before altering X-Planes configurations would be the best option, anyone with this knowledge gratefully accepted. Thanks
  20. Just starting out. Win7 64 bit machine o\clocked to 4.6 680 Nvidia card Before attempting rendering options and getting the basics right first. With NVidia inspector, what settings would be appropiate ? Regards Trevor
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