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  1. This is the exact reason why most developers don't give estimates! On another note, I'm looking forward to the XP12 version of the 733 as it was one of my favorite XP11 addons, but I was always a little disappointed the cabin was not done properly or the doors didn't open! One quick question, do the seat belt/no smoking signs light up in the cabin when you flick the appropriate switch in the cockpit?
  2. Sorry I meant turning on the NW Steering part, I know the rest of it is the checklist.
  3. The save state is really good, I had a crash on my first take off because I accidentally discharged the fire suppressant into the left engine! :O So I was able to load the entering runway save state and not have to set up the aircraft a second time! Great feature, thanks for including it.
  4. I did a quick fix to stop this happening (not an official thing but it worked) switch on hyd pump 3a, and set the parking brake as normal (hold toe brakes then set parking brake) then arm the NWS and then carry on with the rest of the set up as normal. I don't have differential brakes so trying to get this to work another way was a bit of a pain.
  5. Hi Jan I have had to revert to the stable Gizmo in order to activate the licence, it didnt work using the c172. Regards Alan
  6. Hi, I have an issue activating the 737 in xplane 11.41... Getting the error shown in the attached image.
  7. Hi Could I request this one again as it may have got forgotten in all the requests..thanks,, thanks again A.
  8. I've done this so many times too! Would love to know if theres a way to cancel it.
  9. Cool, will give this a go later!
  10. Hi Painters! Really impressed with the liveries released so far, could I ask somebody to have a 'Go' at the old BA low cost carrier 'Go Fly' please ?... Each aircraft had a different colour and slogan on the side, see below for others. http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-36N/2748727/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-3Y0/2569246/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-3L9/2401396/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-3M8/2401395/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-36N/2401394/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-36N/2401391/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-3Q8/2189486/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?airlinesearch==Go%20Fly&distinct_entry=true Thanks in advance! A
  11. Hi Painters! Really impressed with the liveries released so far, could I ask somebody to have a 'Go' at the old BA low cost carrier 'Go Fly' please ?... Each aircraft had a different colour and slogan on the side, see below for others. http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-36N/2748727/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-3Y0/2569246/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-3L9/2401396/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-3M8/2401395/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-36N/2401394/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-36N/2401391/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/photo/Go-Fly/Boeing-737-3Q8/2189486/L/&sid=0f944fa6019918343e25df17b0d7a94c http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?airlinesearch==Go%20Fly&distinct_entry=true Thanks in advance! A
  12. i've seen this too. You should try it in a storm, its like a rollercoaster!!
  13. I'm heading to bed now as its 1 am, I'll buy this in the morning, To those wating up, enjoy the first flights!
  14. yep its on the product page! Navigraph available now and Aerosoft sometime next week! http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122?osCsid=e53867ec0fabd61f77c38890c89550a3
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