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  1. Hi smainville, Are you struggling with the Flight Idle stops perhaps? You'll need to either pull the latches on the Power Levers (under the handles) or enable the 'Use PL Auto-Latch option in 'Saab User Preferences' (the little Gizmo menu on the top right) which removes the stops Cameron explained it in the Release Notes for v1.6.4 (linked below) (scroll down a bit to the 'IMPORTANT' part). I don't think the original documentation you're referring to was updated. You can bind the latches individually or together to a button/key. They're called: Left Power Lever Flight Idle Latch Right Power Lever Flight Idle Latch or Right & Left Power Lever Flight Idle Latch and live under: les/sf34a/acft/engn/... just search for 'latch' Hope that helps!
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