Very interesting indeed. At this point it's a bit hard to say what exact impact it will have on flight model. Trim, controls, feel are likely to get affected which are not a big deal, but if it messes with total lift - which is likely - it will require a major overhaul.
Very interesting news from Laminar Research yesterday from FlightSimExpo.
From X-Plane version 11.30 they will bring (again) some changes to the flightmodel. But this time the user will have a option to use the experimental flightmodel or not.
But what I dident like so much was that the option is a general option and then will affect every aircraft. Wouldent it be better to make the option per aircraft ? i.e. from planemaker ? So the devs can decide if the new flightmodel is suitable for the aircraft or not ?
Can the 733 benefit anything from this new flightmodel ?
11.30 also brings a new particle engine that looked very nice.
More news about 11.30
LR presentation at FSEXPO 2018
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