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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2015 in all areas

  1. God out for the final testing flight before packaging up Lanai and sending my baby out into the real world. I am very pleased with my work, personally. I even optimized the textures for flying at Gamma = 2.0 as oppose to my normal setting of 1.6 (I dunno, I'm weird).
    5 points
  2. 5 points
  3. Finally got SkyMAXX and the new UHD for Canada. Wow. I cancelled my date for tonight, quit my job, dropped out of university, and emptied my bank account. X-Plane is life.
    4 points
  4. Hi, After the first batch of UHD Mesh Scenery tiles released in February 2015, there is now a new set of additional regions to be enjoyed. They are: Northern Washington state (west of the already existing Montana UHD region)Canadian Rockies (between 49N and 55N ... from the Pacific to the plains around Calgary - quite a big area )Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden)Pyrenees in EuropeThey are all using - just like before - 30m / 1sec resolution data (either from Viewfinderpanoramas / NED or SRTM) and much higher resolution triangle mesh to be able to use all that detailed data. One "difference" is, that the new regions are based on newer Openstreetmap data (from around end of April 2015). Important: Because of this, the "UHD Mesh Scenery v1" Scenery is very heavy on hardware resources and will only run smoothly on modern, higher end PCs. Its very important - before even considering a download - to have at least 16 GBytes of RAM and a modern / powerful GPU! Especially when activating the new, "extended DSF" feature in X-Pane 10.40, the RAM requirement might double! The complete coverage is now: All informations, possible updates, installation instructions, and download links can be found here (IMPORTANT: you do not need to re-donwload old UHD files, as they have not been changed / updated!): http://www.alpilotx.net/downloads/x-plane-10-uhd-mesh-scenery-v1/A lot of NEW screenshots can be seen here: https://picasaweb.google.com/101666907909842492197/UHDMeshSceneryV1NewRegions?authuser=0&feat=directlinkPS: I would like to ask all users, who are fluent in other languages than English or German (and have time), to please spread this news in other forums / new sites
    2 points
  5. Yes WE'D has one on the left lower corner, which is zoomable and rotatable.
    1 point
  6. Couple basic things. I'm running WED and X-Plane, together...most of the time. You export in WED (Ctrl+B, and then you go to X-Plane and reload the scenery (with Xreloaded plugin). OE saves directly to the DSF. When you load the scenery, reads it directly from DSF. WED saves to "earth.wed.xml". WED exports to DSF. WED loads from "earth.wed.xml". So, if you save/export in WED, then load in OE, save in OE, and then try to load it in WED... changes made in OE will disappear. But, you can load it in WED, by "importing DSF"... and ending up with a lot of duplicated stuff. Thanks WED... the new import is in it's own group... This mean that moving back and forth, WED -> OE, is possible, but highly NOT RECOMMENDED. WED uses more accurate (more decimals) placement from OE. So doing that thing couple of times and you'll end up with things shifted around. Use WED...only! Learn one tool the better you can. I think that's the meaning of Ben Russell's reply!
    1 point
  7. Hello everyone! Some updates: Lanai will be released without forests or custom city object layout. It just wasn't looking very good.Molokai will hopefully be released with forests and city object layout.I've gotten my hands on hi-res TIFF format elevation data so I'm going to stick it in Mesh Tool and see what happens, but not for Lanai. I'm sick of this island. Just kidding, I love the place, but I made too many mistakes that would take forever to correct early on that have been mickey-moused into working over the months, so the new mesh wouldn't even line up with it.Lanai will be uploaded next Thursday. This will possibly be the last Hawaii Photoreal to be uploaded first to X-Pilot.
    1 point
  8. YES! I'm still alive. YES! I'm aware that half the outsourced image URL's to my ghost-tumblr account are dead because Tumblr is a jerk like that. YES! Lanai is still being developed. My job is insanely hectic and disorganized. However, I am finding time here and there to get more done with Hawaii Photoreal, and my partner is messing around with Mesh Tool. Just learned how on earth forest files worked today, and I'm seriously disappointed by two things: 1. LOD does not exist. This means that I can't make forests that add detail to orthos at close range but leave the beauty of orthophotos to do their job at a greater distance - pretty big deal on the islands of Hawaii. 2. Every forest looks like a plantation. All trees, no matter how insanely huge your random number is (anyone who does forest files knows what that means), appear in columns across the landscape.
    1 point
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