Gentlemen, Some of you remember my not so nice "career" start in X-Pilot forums. I was posting a lot, complaining about not being able to fly Saab 340A, about frame rate dropping to a single digit... I even got banned by Cameron ( I do not agree I should have but that is a different story) After some time I decided to take Ben's advice and made a fresh installation of XP from scratch and copied my scenery to it. I posted an apology for LES Team because finally SAAB started working. I was still not happy because after a longer flight , I was unable to shoot any videos using outside views. Before I get any further, I am still patiently waiting for SAAB upgrade as many other users so few bugs are fixed and few FPS are squeezed out, that is for sure. What I do want to say after that is that I did something I should do right after scratch installing XP, remove my custom scenery ( I had 1800+ files there) I removed the majority of the custom scenery except maybe a hundred or so for the places I fly the most and ..... I am able to shoot videos using outside views after 3 HRS of flight. Actually , by the time I am writing this, XP has been on for over 4 hrs and I am still able to use ANY view I want without simulation coming to a slide show. Having said all above..... I apologize again to the whole Lead Edge Simulations Team for taking a lot of time and creating negative responses that were simply caused by me not trying to do what I was advised to do. I am this type of person who can come up and say in public that I made a mistake and I am sorry. I am totally in love with SAAB, I am still learning and discovering new things, I appreciate all the efforts that went to creating this great aircraft. I do not want to make this post too long but I felt that after my recent "discovery" I need to write what you just read. Clapping hands for Lead Edge Simulations Team! Superb job, guys. AJ is finally happy ( but still waiting for the update ) The video below was taken after 3+ hrs of continuous flight ( including landings and take offs with engine running) Cheers, AJ , a very happy LES customer. P.S. Cameron, I have sent you a PM with apology more than a month ago but I see you never opened my PM it so maybe this thread will do instead. I know my landings are bad but I had to share the joy of being able to shoot the outside views videos.
For those who would also like to see the view from the cockpit, Madeira Visual Approach RWY05