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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2012 in all areas

  1. About to buzz the tower. Low, slow and inverted.
    1 point
  2. Before you write a response next time, answer this question for yourself: Why do you think that I (or anyone) for this matter of fact who makes a statement about actual fact or reality is immediately making a personal attack on X-Plane? I simply stated the facts based on what the facts are. Read my comments more carefully. I don't really care whether you fly X-Plane or FSX, that's not the point. I came across next gen software that shows true potential of the hardware and if X-Plane is behind that's not my problem, neither your problem. If you're on Laminar's payroll, well, maybe instead of attacking new ideas, should bring these forth for whom you work.
    1 point
  3. I've been tweaking the default pilotview.dat file quite a bit and I'm pretty happy with this one so I figured I'd share it. Position #8 is my favorite for those bumpy rides through the clouds. I'm running in a Window at close to 1920x1080 with a FOV of 70. Be sure to copy your original first! I'm also attaching a Checklister file for those that haven't seen the one floating around out there. It is not perfect but I use it every time I fly just to make sure I don't miss anything. Credit to the original uploader. I just realized I should have posted this in the General Area. If a moderator could move it for me? TIA PilotView.zip clist.txt
    1 point
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