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Tom Knudsen

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Any one seen this or know about any that have continued the wonderful work an made textures?



Well, the plugin itself is finished, as far as I know. It works and changes textures fine.

Only problem is that there's somebody needed to create the textures. ;)

John Spahn (SkyMaxx) has once started to develop seasonal graphics, but I guess this project is on hold (since I did not read about it for quite a while now).

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Well, the plugin itself is finished, as far as I know. It works and changes textures fine.

Only problem is that there's somebody needed to create the textures. ;)

John Spahn (SkyMaxx) has once started to develop seasonal graphics, but I guess this project is on hold (since I did not read about it for quite a while now).



Yes on hold for the time being,  Im looking to explore this soon.....Honestly about 90-95% complete as far as textures are concerned,  not generic either but specific to land usage ie: croplands,  grass and rocks as an example.....Additionally we are injecting normal maps to the mix....


Problem is with regionilzation right now,  I dont think a "winter world" is the way forward for a polished product.....

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I hope you will finish soon with that project!!!(From what your saying it will take longer... :D

Because the problem with the Simple season plugin is that it doesn't convert terrain in cities into a snowy landscape. So you will always have a mix between green and white when you're flying... 

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Two things are coming to x-plane for sure, dynamic tesselation and seasons, question is just when. Seasons have been on the agenda for many years but have been swapped for other features like 64bit, garmin 430 and bugfixes. So i would imagine any thirdparty winter things would be temporary suited. I do however feel freeware could be a way to go in the meantime

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So, from my (very rough) interpretation of those, it means that those of us who want to will be able to set the quality of mesh in future, without installing packs like your HD mesh?

Yes and no ... because it can only help with better elevation representation but not with better landclass representation, which is also closely bound to the res of the original(in the DSF!!) triangle mesh.

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I do however feel freeware could be a way to go in the meantime


Tom K has released a Seasons product?


Bit of constructive criticism...


Your "Seasons" product doesn't work at all. I mean, it's a good idea and all, but your software either deletes airplanes by mistake, causes loss of FPS or crashes X-Plane.  You also didn't address the Multiplayer Fog. Any time you enable multiplayer fog your Seasons product also crashes. 

It also has no POLs or tesselation. You said your seasons product needed tessellation, but you don't have the correct NORMALS showing up on the vertexes.  It also causes wingspans to be smaller. You said your product would increase wingspan. Your Seasons product don't.

I really think people shouldn't be buying your product. 

Edited by chris k
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A bit of constructive critisism back to you Chris, hope you take it to heart!

Learn to read and read everything so that you do not miss any vital information on your way. This time you clearly stroke out. This is not my product therefor not my problem ;) Sure wish seasons could be implemented in some way or another, and i do believe John is by far the closest one to realize this for X-Plane, cudos on WinterMaxx ;)

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