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X-Plane 10 now sold on Steam.

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If the talks go well and X-Plane 10 does end up on Steam it could help Laminar to expand their presence and crush FSX and P3D for good. The type of crushing that I expected with the release of X-Plane 10 but never really happened.


Many indy games have had major successes after making it to Steam and hopefully X-Plane will have the same success! 2014 should be a good year for our sim! :)


I have had a great experience with Steam after only discovering it a few months back. If my internet could cope I would be buying a digital copy myself but realistically the download is a bit much. 

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If the talks go well and X-Plane 10 does end up on Steam it could help Laminar to expand their presence and crush FSX and P3D for good. The type of crushing that I expected with the release of X-Plane 10 but never really happened.


Many indy games have had major successes after making it to Steam and hopefully X-Plane will have the same success! 2014 should be a good year for our sim! :)


I have had a great experience with Steam after only discovering it a few months back. If my internet could cope I would be buying a digital copy myself but realistically the download is a bit much. 

Well I don't know. If X-Plane does officially partner with Steam, I have a feeling that we'll see a major increase in the amount of "eye-candy" aircraft aside from the already lacking Heinz Boeing 787. With popularity increase comes more demand on developers, and some developers won't be able to keep up with that demand, and that's where new developers will come in and start mass producing aircraft without any systems depth. I'm really concerned that X-Plane would become like FSX in the sense that there are several different developers that would make the same aircraft; all with little to no difference except little petty things that don't really matter. If X-Plane does in fact go to Steam, I'm sorry to say, but I'll not be supporting the Steam version. I'll only use the last updated Version before Steam was incorporated. Also, I think that Laminar should keep the last uncoupled Steam version update available for users who do not want to use Steam. I've had a HORRIBLE experience with steam and also with Origin and I don't quite care to EVER use them again. Companies like Steam RUIN things. Take Sim City 5 for example; When it was released, it was WORSE than the Government Healthcare rollout. Another thing that I really don't like about it is the fact that you have to have an always on internet connection. That's what turned me away from it because I have pre-paid internet service and I don't have unlimited internet service. The most that I can buy at one time for use is 6.5GB of internet data. That's not a lot when viewing things from a gamers perspective. I really think it'd be in X-Plane's best interest to have 2 versions; Steam, and the current one. 

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Sim City uses origin and it was EA not Origin that forced the always connection for Sim City.  They have now disabled it so you can play offline.  And you dont have to be online to use steam if you dont want, there is an option to go offline.  I see no reason not to use steam at all ?  It shouldnt change anything about x-plane.  It may attract a few of the kids thinking that its more of a game than a sim but im sure they wouldnt have the time to figure out VATSIM and jump online.  Maybe a few will and will be willing to learn..this is all good and great for the sim.  Id love to know what your horrible experience with steam was ?  I have used it for years and never a single problem ?  It does as little or as much as you want it to ? 

Edited by Andy10r
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You could not pay me enough money in the world to install Steam on my computer ever again, its a disease that takes over. Got rid of all my Steam

games and cleaned house of it. Never again.


I'm tired of X-Plane people with as self pride as you and extremist opinions ... Steam is one of the genius things of the past years in the game industry and that's a fact Kallinen, even if you think it's too childish for your very serious and professional way of seeing this simulator. They offers great prices, there is a very active community, it's really alive I would compare it to listening to the radio for example.


Probably, the only downside is that it destroys the small game shops market, for PC platforms.


Back to X-Plane, I always loved this sim, and I honestly had huge hopes that X-Plane 10 would erase everything else on the civilian flight simulator market. Two years later I'm deeply disappointed and feel betrayed ( lol ) because I just feel there is a very weak and especially too small team behind this huge sim, and got the feeling too they are overwhelmed by bugs/things to improve and that X-Plane will finally keep it's " experimental " sim etiquette, forever :(

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